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The DOJ has requested the Court unseal the search warrant of Trump's home. Here's the relevant part of the motion.

It appears this does not include the affidavit of the FBI Agent in support of the search warrant. That's the juicy stuff, that's what we want.

The Court instructed the DOJ: "On or before 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 12, 2022, the United States shall file a certificate of conferral advising whether former President Trump opposes the Government's motion to unseal.

After that, we expect the warrant to be unsealed tomorrow at the earliest.

We'll be posting it in full once it is unsealed.
Courtesy of Posobiec and Human Events - here is the Trump search warrant.

More analysis on the alleged violations of law to follow on this Substack post.
The Trump search warrant was never about classified materials.

The statutes cited in the warrant allow for prosecution even if none of the documents are classified.

A former President persecuted for having records relating to his administration.

While the Biden DOJ certainly desires prosecuting Trump, there’s an alternative we must consider - that they want to damage him politically ahead of 2024.
Update on today's Trump search warrant hearing:

The judge will unseal part of the affidavit submitted in support of the search warrant of Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence.

DOJ is ordered to file an affidavit with proposed redactions by August 25.

The affidavit will be unsealed - with redactions. We suspect by August 26 at the earliest.

(Post updated after court hearing concluded.)
The DOJ has submitted two filings re: the Trump search warrant.

1. Proposed redactions to the affidavit in support of the search warrant.

2. A submission providing additional evidence/argument against unsealing the affidavit.

Both are under seal - and will remain sealed for the time being. As we previously stated, if the affidavit is unsealed (with redactions), it will likely happen at the end of this week at the earliest.

We'll post the entire document once available.
The court has ordered the affidavit submitted in support of the Trump search warrant to be unsealed - with redactions.

Expect the redactions to be heavy.

It will be released by tomorrow.
Filing tonight by the Biden DOJ re: the Trump Mar-a-Lago search:

"the government's filter team has already completed its work of segregating any seized materials that are potentially subject to attorney-client privilege"
More from the Biden DOJ filing re: Trump Mar-a-Lago search:

Photo described as "redacted FBI photograph of certain documents and classified cover sheets recovered from a container in the '45 office')."
Modern liberals, like the communists before them, face the decay of their system. In response, they reject introspection and reform, and instead demand more liberal democracy - that is, more controls and more extremes - to set things right. What lies at the end of that democratic road is “a new despotism.”
This is a must read:

“A former FBI official who allegedly shut down part of the investigation into Hunter Biden was "running point" in the bureau’s dealings with a key witness in the probe, according to sources directly familiar with the matter.

The witness, Tony Bobulinski, now has concerns that the former official, Timothy Thibault, helped bury information about his dealings with the Biden family that he gave the FBI, sources told the Washington Free Beacon.”
We suspect the FBI has interview transcripts with Jeffrey Epstein. The FBI has tacitly admitted as much.

But the FBI won't produce the Epstein records.


Because it would "interfere with law enforcement proceedings" 🧐
Today's revelation about Igor Danchenko being a paid CHS for the FBI from March 2017 - October 2020 is explosive.

Why make Danchenko a CHS? Self-preservation.

It keeps secret the extent of the FBI - and Special Counsel Mueller's - dealings with Danchenko. Think "sources and methods."

How to hide FBI/Mueller misconduct? Bury the witness.
New filing in the Igor Dancenko case -

Reveals Special Counsel Durham intends to introduce as evidence the internal LYNC messages of FBI Analysts/Agents.

This includes the messages of FBI Analyst Brain Auten - who helped "manage" Danchenko and helped cover-up Hunter Biden evidence.
How does Special Counsel John Durham prove Igor Danchenko never received a call from Sergei Millian, when Millian is unavailable at trial?

Easy. Just introduce Danchenko's phone records.

Here is the full document - Durham's opposition to Danchenko's motion to dismiss:
Techno_Fog pinned «The FBI caught Steele primary subsource Igor Danchenko in a number of lies. What did the FBI do in response? It signed Danchenko up as a paid FBI confidential human source. Durham's latest:…»

Here is the full study on the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA found in breastmilk.

The mRNA was present as soon as one hour after vaccination.

Also - further details on whether this data was suppressed (as it is from 2021) and how Pfizer and Moderna refuse to test for mRNA in breastmilk.
NEW - there is a FOIA fight over Seth Rich's laptop.

A federal court has rejected the FBI's attempts to keep the laptop secret under FOIA privacy exemptions.

The FBI is ordered to "produce the information it possesses related to Seth Rich's laptop" within 14 days.
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