Intriga Tropical
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From Oct. 31st, 2022, to Jan. 9th, 2023, Brazilians camped in front of military bases all over the country asking for help.

The Army washed their hands.
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Twelve more people will get condemned by the Brazilian Supreme Court because of what happened on January 8th of 2023.

They are facing 12 to 17 years jail time.

Their lives are devasted forever.

Up until now 30 people were sentenced to spend 17 years in prison.

Folks, for real, no one other than these people family in Brazil cares for them.

All the so called "conservative" movement and the other leeches are aiming for the mayor election later this year.

Not a word about these folks.

It was said that Brazil elected the most conservative congress of all times, and pfff.. What a joke!

Eduardo Bolsonaro, for example, was selling a course last weekend πŸ˜‚

It's tiring.

Farmers, please understand:

This is going to be your faith if things go South.

And I think Germany and the other countries will be even more cruel in their sentences.

But a Brazilian jail, is a Brazilian jail.

I've spent 3 days in it 10 years ago, and let me tell you:

It's exactly like the Midnight Express movie 😳😁

Let's pray for these Brazilian patriots that now must encounter themselves in pure terror πŸ™
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And Germany still on the streets, guys!

🚜 🚜 🚜 🚜 🚜 🚜 🚜

The German farmers are in for one more day of protests all around their country.

They have set the example for many other farmers in Europe, and we are now watching an uprising from those who truly are the backbone of our society.

Meditate on this: for you to eat today, the world needed to happen.

Unless you're homeless, or unless you're in a strict fast, you probably ate because of the work of many farmers, truckers, and many others.

Hey, the same folks that locked us down on our houses, are now wanting to passively seize these farmers assets.

They are doing this through policies and other decrees who basically destroy the dynamics of the farmers work.

And because these folks are defending their livelihood, which greatly affects us, they're being labeled as radicals and terrorists by the same people who wants to rob and put them in jail.

Cities in order:
1st and 2nd: HΓΆchstadt
3rd: Bad Salzungen at 5 PM
4th and 5th: A convoy near Altenburg.


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The exit of the port in Bramerhaven was completely blocked this afternoon (February 2nd, 2024)

A German friend of mine told me that in Hamburg, the farmers who tried to block the harbor were threatened with a 10 million euro fine.

And to be honest, if they leveraged in the stock market all Nancy Pelosi's trades they would be billionaires by now which would make this fine laughable.

But as these are just honest farmers, who runs an honest business, these types of threats have a lot of effect.

Most people lost total discernment on what's true and what's false.

The Communist Revolution in the West has submitted everyone by their perception.

It's like Bezmenov said: they will just believe in the revolution when their face get smashed by a boot.

I understand that some folks wander through here trying to find solutions, and mine is this:

The only way we leave this situation is through God and the Holy Church. That's my real opinion. Anything other than that we are in for a revolution with a bloodbath never imagined.

It's time now to humble and humiliate ourselves to The Man, because let's be real... our enemies are everywhere. And some aren't even out of the shadows yet.

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Woerden, Holland
Feb. 2nd, 2024 β€” Early in the morning

Dutch farmers blocking the Jumbo's (supermarket) logistics center early this morning.

One of the mottos of these protests is: No Farmers, No Food, No Future.

But I would remove the No Future part.

This is exactly what the Agenda 2030 proponents and other doom enthusiasts wants for us.

The sick joke is that they completely agree with you guys.

Please, learn from Brazil.

The Brazilian patriots arrested on Jan. 8th, and all others who slightly contributed for that day, have to pay millions in fines + jail time.

This is no joke.

This is not a walk in the park.

And I don't mean violence from your part, what I mean is that (((they))) will get violent against you.

French Farmers are being arrested already, folks.

Many "conservatives" are all talk, no game.

A big audience doesn't mean anything.

Real power is local and the communists all know that.
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Netherlands and Belgium Border
Feb. 2nd, 2024 β€” Around 1:00 PM local time

Just asking, but... who still cares about Ukraine? 🌝


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One more video from the Netherlands and Belgium border
Feb. 2nd, 2024 β€” 9:30 AM


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NL Arhem, Netherlands
Feb. 1st, 2024 β€” 8:30 PM

The video has no sound but it was reported that the farmers were giving "This is the red line" statement.

So following that logic, the only things that the farmers should accept are the decision were they demands moves forward making their enemies to retreat.

Remember Agenda 2030:

You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.

I don't know about you, but I definitely prefer to cry in a Ferrari.


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FBI, Soros, And Secret Police in Vast Censorship Conspiracy in Brazil

Read carefully

"But now, a months-long investigation reveals that: the FBI has helped Brazil censor its citizens; the Soroses’ β€œOpen Society Foundation” is spending heavily to promote censorship in Brazil;

and Brazil has a secret judicial police force that exists specifically to spy upon and censor people deemed to be spreading false information.

Together, the FBI, the Soroses, and the Supreme Court of Brazil are engaged in a direct assault on the free speech protections of both the Brazilian and U.S. Constitutions.
One case thrown out. Next!!!
Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Feb. 2nd, 2024

And the protests in Germany continues...

These farmers set the example for the whole Europe.

And when we share what's happening, we're giving voice for real people that's out there.

The more we share the more possibilities we create to penetrate other people's bubble.


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French farmer burns the flag for the FΓ©dΓ©ration nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles.

The National Federation of the Farmers' Union sent a message to all farmers that all blockades should be over.

Some farmers completely disagree.


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