Tolerant Fellow's Hologram
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Forwarded from No Chance
Remember the anti-white terror attack in Waukesha where the media blamed the vehicle for the attack and then made up some story about Darrell Brooks being chased by the police. This story here is a copy and paste where they blame the car and make up the same story about being chased. Here's a quote from the article: "Officers have denied media reports that the car may have been chased by police before the crash."

If a white person looks in the direction of a non white the headlines are "WHITE MAN DOES X TO BLACK MAN" they then automatically assume without evidence that the motivation is "racism" yet when whites are killed and/or severely injured by diversity, skin colour, motivation and the attacker's names are no longer of interest.
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
How Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright should be remembered
Imagine being a Russian, or a Chinese person, you look at who the so called West sanctifies in their media as a “trailblazer for democracy and freedom”, and it’s some genocidal maniac who goes on prime time TV and justifies murdering 500,000 children. Red Skull wouldn’t do that, Red Skull wouldn’t justify the murder of half a million children.
Daily reminder that it’s America and it’s Western European satellite states that are the pariahs on the world stage. The entire rest of the planet looks at our “values” of transgender children, massively replacing our own populations, and extreme and seemingly nonsensical hostile treatment of the rest of the world and view us exactly as we are - as extreme basket case lunatics.
It’s funny, conservatives have made the same joke for 50 years, they point and laugh and do some “owns”, yet here we are. In 50 years they have consistently ceded ground, and at no point have they gained an inch of that ground back. Now in Britain it’s essentially illegal to deny that person is a woman, and you could face prison time for doing so. Tommy can say that he finds this funny, but if he says why, or tries to stop that person entering his daughter’s changing rooms he’ll be arrested.

Conservatism - not even once.
It’s amazing that a European country, comprising of some 40-50 million Europeans, or 1/10th of the entire European population that exists in Europe today can be ruled by just one Jew. And unquestioned by the entire Western press he can make green screen videos of himself, likely from Poland, where he vows to fight to the last drop of Ukrainian blood, knowing that he himself is in no danger at all and can flee at any time to his mansions in Florida or to Israel.

The Russians, who are obviously aware of this and how ridiculous it is are probably asking themselves some serious questions right now.
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Forwarded from Global Resistance News (Martin)
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👀 🩸 New Atheist High Priest Richard Dawkins claimed the students protesting against 'Israel' are motivated by anti-Semitism. When challenged on this and asked whether it's possible the students are motivated by outrage at the 'Israeli' slaughter in Gaza, Dawkins becomes flustered and runs from the question. 👀 🩸

Richard Dawkins has made a career from criticising religion in his books and speeches, but curiously only Christianity and Islam.

He once quipped: "Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings".

Tellingly, Dawkins has never once criticised Judaism, despite the fact that it:

👉 Flew the planes into the buildings;
👉 Advocates genocide and was a driving force in multiple actual genocides including Gaza;
👉 Sees Gentiles and women as inferior;
👉 Permits child rape;
👉 Permits oath-breaking.

With only a few hours of honest research, a decorated academic like Dawkins could easily establish all of these facts.

But he won't, because he is a Shabbos Goy! 🤑 📚


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Give rightoids the tiniest crumb and they'll declare victory on a civilisational scope.
Elon's job is to put together an Avengers Assemble of MAGA figures for Trump's campaign, he wasn't given billions in loans from Jewish banks to buy Twitter for no reason.
Forwarded from Spectre™️
“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” dates to 1834 and described a specific and old philosophical paradox that it’s literally and logically impossible to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”

So of course low-status rightoids are so stupid they adopted the illogical contradiction to the truth of this existential imperative.
Forwarded from JACK'D UK (Nicholas Cotton)
Imagine holding a march about 2 tier policing and neglecting to mention the North West London Shomrim, a taxpayer funded private security firm that illegally impersonate police officers and exclusively serve the concerns of Jewish residents.

The country largely don’t even know this exists. Did you?
China out here eclipsing America's Westword expansion, aka Manifest Destiny, and doing it in only a decade, connecting their entire country with high speed rail. The Western world has been in a holding pattern since 1945.
Tommy Robinson must be the biggest nationalist-adjacent (he's not a nationalist himself) gaslighter in the history of Britain. Sadiq Khan didn't set about the motions that turned London into a place where Somalians and Caribbeans are stabbing British people, that was done by the people who he's spent his entire "career" working for, and whose flag you'll find him waving at any opportunity.
Does someone want to inform Tommy how many nations Judah already has?
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