Tolerant Fellow's Hologram
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You have to wonder how long the “dumb dumb” portrayal of evil can subsist against the so-called “West’s” enemies, when the explicit policy of every western nation is the ethnic and racial eradication of its own people. How long can people be convinced of crazy lunatic imperialist Putin when Western Europeans who don’t want to become minorities in their own cities are hunted down by their states for hate speech?
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich
"I didn’t know what to make of the small group of Americans Hannibal had enlisted to his cause. Due to ongoing security concerns, they will be identified by pseudonyms. For my generation, if you talk about a small team of soldiers of fortune that show up to help when no one else will, you immediately think of one thing. Therefore, these pseudonyms will be taken from one of the most popular television shows of the 1980s: The A-Team."

This is an actual quote from this Rolling Stone feature article. The bugman author gives all the members of this alleged American "volunteer" (mercenary) team pseudonyms from the A-Team and then gives all their, fictional I'm sure, backstories to justify why he named each character what he did.

"Faceman served two tours in Iraq and developed a subsequent career as an artist and actor..."

"B.A., a former cavalry officer, also served in Iraq and conducted intelligence operations targeting insurgents. He’s now a novelist..."

"Murdock is a dead ringer for a spy, with the physique of an ultramarathoner, and the unflappable aura of a Zen master."

You have to be kidding me with this shit. There are dumb dumb portrayals of evil. This is a dumb dumb portrayal of "good."
Forwarded from Tony 🇮🇹
“Kremlin propaganda.”
“No!!! This isn’t like in the stories the man who uses the lens flare told me!!!”
Forwarded from Nativist Concern
Yeah I member
Imagine if it was a British guy in charge of Ukraine, force conscripting Ukainians into fighting an unwinnable war against Russia, and then imagine if all of the people who’d put him in power were billionaire Brits who owned the Ukrainian media, who’d just flee back to Britain with him when the war was lost. Lmao.
South Park has always been totally safe humour designed to reinforce libtard’s feelings of moral and intellectual superiority.
Forwarded from Shadowman311s Censored Ramblings (The Sequel)
Things like this were why Hitler came to power, put those 2 in 1920's esque attire, take the picture in black and White, and that's what your average German citizen lived with and retched at for a decade until the Nazis came along and promised to get rid of it, and to their credit they did.
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If I see someone posting about Agenda 21 (a non-binding UN action plan which isn’t enforced in any way) then I know they’re just retarded. This stuff is 1990s illuminati/NWO conspiracy/reactionary arm flailing nonsense. I remember the Agenda 21 stuff from way back in the early internet days when everyone had dialup and we’d find web pages with spinning illuminati eyes telling us about “The Committee of 300” and shit, lmao.
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich
This is what happens when you join the NATO/EU block right now. In the midst of a refugee crisis caused by NATO and US intransigence towards Russia, the EU voted to sanction Poland and Hungary for

"...curbing the rights of women, LGBTQ+ people and migrants as well as stifling the freedom of courts, media, academics and NGOs."

This is despite the massive opposition of the public in both countries to Big Gay and to non-White refugees. The EU does not recognize the sovereign democratic right of the people to reject Jewish cultural imperatives.

The sanctions have already cost Hungary 7 billion Euros in pandemic aid and will cost them a total of 22.5 billion Euros by 2027. They will cost Poland a total of 75 billion Euros over the same time period.

This is how the EU makes member states submit to homosexuality and racial dissolution.

Like it or not, this is what Ukraine is inevitably fighting for against Russia right now. This is just the facts, no matter how mad it makes you. A brokered peace with Russia right now guaranteeing Ukraine a neutral status has the potential to actually save it from this kind of humiliation.
Forwarded from DE - Geopolitics Edition (Jason)
Media is too big
How is this is not a green screen? Everything is off, most importantly the lighting.
Forwarded from No Chance
Remember the anti-white terror attack in Waukesha where the media blamed the vehicle for the attack and then made up some story about Darrell Brooks being chased by the police. This story here is a copy and paste where they blame the car and make up the same story about being chased. Here's a quote from the article: "Officers have denied media reports that the car may have been chased by police before the crash."

If a white person looks in the direction of a non white the headlines are "WHITE MAN DOES X TO BLACK MAN" they then automatically assume without evidence that the motivation is "racism" yet when whites are killed and/or severely injured by diversity, skin colour, motivation and the attacker's names are no longer of interest.
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
How Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright should be remembered
Imagine being a Russian, or a Chinese person, you look at who the so called West sanctifies in their media as a “trailblazer for democracy and freedom”, and it’s some genocidal maniac who goes on prime time TV and justifies murdering 500,000 children. Red Skull wouldn’t do that, Red Skull wouldn’t justify the murder of half a million children.
Daily reminder that it’s America and it’s Western European satellite states that are the pariahs on the world stage. The entire rest of the planet looks at our “values” of transgender children, massively replacing our own populations, and extreme and seemingly nonsensical hostile treatment of the rest of the world and view us exactly as we are - as extreme basket case lunatics.
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