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Forwarded from Global Resistance News (Martin)
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👀 🩸 New Atheist High Priest Richard Dawkins claimed the students protesting against 'Israel' are motivated by anti-Semitism. When challenged on this and asked whether it's possible the students are motivated by outrage at the 'Israeli' slaughter in Gaza, Dawkins becomes flustered and runs from the question. 👀 🩸

Richard Dawkins has made a career from criticising religion in his books and speeches, but curiously only Christianity and Islam.

He once quipped: "Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings".

Tellingly, Dawkins has never once criticised Judaism, despite the fact that it:

👉 Flew the planes into the buildings;
👉 Advocates genocide and was a driving force in multiple actual genocides including Gaza;
👉 Sees Gentiles and women as inferior;
👉 Permits child rape;
👉 Permits oath-breaking.

With only a few hours of honest research, a decorated academic like Dawkins could easily establish all of these facts.

But he won't, because he is a Shabbos Goy! 🤑 📚


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Give rightoids the tiniest crumb and they'll declare victory on a civilisational scope.
Elon's job is to put together an Avengers Assemble of MAGA figures for Trump's campaign, he wasn't given billions in loans from Jewish banks to buy Twitter for no reason.
Forwarded from Spectre™️
“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” dates to 1834 and described a specific and old philosophical paradox that it’s literally and logically impossible to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”

So of course low-status rightoids are so stupid they adopted the illogical contradiction to the truth of this existential imperative.
Forwarded from JACK'D UK (Nicholas Cotton)
Imagine holding a march about 2 tier policing and neglecting to mention the North West London Shomrim, a taxpayer funded private security firm that illegally impersonate police officers and exclusively serve the concerns of Jewish residents.

The country largely don’t even know this exists. Did you?
China out here eclipsing America's Westword expansion, aka Manifest Destiny, and doing it in only a decade, connecting their entire country with high speed rail. The Western world has been in a holding pattern since 1945.
Tommy Robinson must be the biggest nationalist-adjacent (he's not a nationalist himself) gaslighter in the history of Britain. Sadiq Khan didn't set about the motions that turned London into a place where Somalians and Caribbeans are stabbing British people, that was done by the people who he's spent his entire "career" working for, and whose flag you'll find him waving at any opportunity.
Does someone want to inform Tommy how many nations Judah already has?
Hamas have never done suicide bombings, the most they'll say is that they don't condemn people who do it, but they never endorse or sponsor it.
Oct 7th wasn't a false flag. The purpose of a false flag is to get a population of people to do something they otherwise wound't have went along with. Most Israelis agree with getting the Palestinians out of Gaza already, they don't need a false flag to convince them of anything. False flags are for gentiles you want to corral.
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
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We are Pro-White and we are proud of it!

Listen to the clip above from Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis in the UK. Is there a single European leader today that have the backbone to say "We express the belief in the inalienable right of the European people to self determination within our ancestral borders" ...and if they did how would the press and anti-White (lawfare) establishment deal with it?

Björn Höcke, who heads the AfD in eastern Germany, was fined €13,000 for closing a 2021 campaign speech with the phrase: “Everything for Germany!” That doesn't even come close to what this Zionist rabbi said in the UK. So that should give you an idea.

Forwarded from Esoteric Manslowism
Every time a video pops up of a White woman being harassed, assaulted or killed by a non-White, bitter little men who know nothing about the woman in question will say something to the effect of "she voted for it", or "she should have voted "Conservative/Republican".

I have yet to have one of these men explain to me how voting for controlled opposition conservative parties would make a whit of difference on the immigration and crime issues. Or explain to me why some woman who's been propagandised with libtard shit since birth deserves whatever she gets from invaders brought in by the same people who progagandised her in the first place.

If it's an activist reaping what they sowed, that's one thing. Bitter men justifying anything they see happening to random White women is another.
Forwarded from Red Ice TV
Countries like Norway and Ireland should think about cutting ties with Israel and getting rid of subversive immigration activists like Ervin Kohn and Ronit Lentin. That’s all you seem to be exporting. In fact, all countries should cut ties AND aid to Israel and see what happens then. They would be much better off without any ties to Israel.
It's almost impossible to catch one of these people on film not advocating for mass murder, whether it's through warfare (madeleine albright, "the price is worth it, referring to 500,000 dead Iraqis), ethnic cleansing (barbara spectre), or just outright murder through abortion and euthanasia(Ellen Wiebe)
Foreign owned investment funds using special tax laws created for them paid a tax rate of just 0.1% of asset value last year (38m tax on 28bn of assets). While their Irish property portfolios increased 40% in value from 2020. Mostly due to the high levels of immigration to Ireland.

So while Irish people are squabbling with immigrants for housing know who is benefitting. It's the same finance capital which dictate government policy.
I haven't read an article or seen a news report about the rising danger of white supremacy since about Oct 7th last year.
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