vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty
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Elites STOLE ancient symbols representing hidden knowledge of ⚡️ 🧲 🧬 & the true nature of Light / Suppressed Biology & perverted those symbols.

Magnetism / Static Electricity Governs the Universe. Everything is Frequency! : Nikola Tesla

⚡️ϕ 🧲
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Forwarded from PaulMuaddib61 (paulmuaddib61)
The Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin on the Behavior of Animals and the Psychology of Man

“Auditory changes were reported by 4 subjects for sound to clear auditory hallucinations of mysterious messages in telegraphic code coming from the universe”

“Blackwaves hold a profound secret within their passages, they seem to be waves of external awarenesses. Whenever we experience them, we suddenly sense a total “meshing” with the External Vastness”

Remember the quote from above describing the effects of Adrenochrome…

“Auditory changes were reported by 4 subjects for sound to clear auditory hallucinations of mysterious messages in telegraphic code coming from the universe”

“Black Ray Energy is seen and felt as a shining black zone of extreme absorptivity, and is seen especially at night near certain structures” They are pivot-points for the minds of sentient beings to tap experience from”

“Watching the Black Ray Energy along that road-veinic I was suddenly surprised by a series of sudden and consistent “wavings” which were visual”


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"We can now cure cancer" - - Joe Biden

Unleashing a virus upon the world to force mail in ballots so you can stuff ballot boxes in your favor to usurp President Trump

Forcing experimental vaccines on children so Big Pharma can profit

Enforcing lockdowns for a virus that had a 99.9% survivability rate to shut down & eliminate small businesses that were in competition with your elite friends who had the wealth for their globalist companies to survive & sustain those lockdowns

Your administration is full of pathological liars who refuse to hand out effective treatments for this fake Pandemic to end it.

Lemme guess, "We have the cure for cancer, but you have to be vaccinated to get it"

You & your Child Trafficking, cabalistic administration ARE the cancer infecting our country's citizens, Joe.

What's the cure? Gallows?
Forwarded from @TheKnightess
“Certainly that day we realised that the Logan stones were far more than remnants from a superstitious age that worshipped rocks. They struck us as huge scientific instruments, carefully & deliberately placed at certain points in the Earth’s energy system with the specific intention of interacting with it.” The Giant’s Rock at Zennor north Cornwall, UK made of Cornish granite, 95% quartz crystal, bears down on a tiny area of stone, creating a massive piezoelectric effect in the supporting stone. Rocking the stone, as you can do when standing on it, causes rhythmic ripples through the Earth’s magnetic fields. In Cornish folklore the rock is connected with both Giants and witches.
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
NIH Funds sick experiments with your money
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Republican Candidate for Arizona Governor kicks the occult cabal in the tranny-balls by calling out their Fake News assets covering up the 2020 election fraud in the coup d'etat to remove President Trump.

"Do you think the election was stolen?
Do you think Joe Biden garnered 81 Million votes?
The problem is that the American people don't have all the answers cuz the media is part of the problem.
They're not reporting on these ballot traffickers that are being paid to drop off ballots.

The Media is doing a huge disservice to this country.
The Media has turned their back on the American people.
It is disgusting what the media has done & their days are numbered."

Kari's striking good chords with the American people who know damn well that not only was their vote not counted properly, it was flipped in Biden's favor.

Nick is right. - - "This is amazing, I can see why President Trump is such a big fan of Kari Lake."

Tik Tok, Kemp.

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In your agreement to be sent to Earth:
Cons :

-You'll lose your powers

-You'll lose memory of who / what you truly are & what you're truly capable of

-You'll likely be living in poverty, eating the cereal you find in your couch cusions

-You'll likely spend the first 1/4 of your Earthly life-span wandering around the 🌎 spiritually lost, getting so drunk that you pee your pants

-You'll commit many sins due to Earth's ruling Powers That Shouldn't Be distorting & removing God's image from society & brainwashing you to believe that law enforcement is humanity's highest authority in the universe

-You'll be forced to watch people mentally, physically & spiritually deteoriate due to the drugs the ruling class pushes onto the masses & it'll crush your ♥️ to bear witness to

Pros :

-You'll one day be awoken to help The Great Awakening process for MILLIONS of other lost, manipulated & enslaved spiritual souls wandering the 🌎 who are searching for meaning / HOME

ϕ 🧲

While Michelle Obama trends on Twitter with 33K tweets, liberals take the opportunity to bash Trump & his supporters while simultaneously injecting racism into the picture, but an unsuspecting Patriot sneaks in the opportunity to point out Big Mike's linebacker physique.

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The Obama's are worshipped by Fake News.

You'd think we'd have been able to find at least ONE picture of Michelle Obama pregnant by now, SOMEWHERE online, published by at least one outlet.


I don't care that Barack Obama likes to screw men.
I care that Barack Obama likes to screw our country & its citizens.
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Obama - - "Michael & I..."

Check out the original Joe Biden, quickly looking around to see if anyone else heard that shit slip out of Barry's mouth!
Forwarded from 💎JEWELYBLUE & Q (JewelyBlue *)
🎥This is just the beginning of my PARTS 1 & 2 on TV Show FRIENDS. 😲This is the INCREDIBLE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN RACHEL CHANDLER & HER BABY DADDY NATE LOWMAN, and the 2 characters on FRIENDS👉🏼RACHEL GREEN (Jen Aniston) & CHANDLER BING (Matthew Perry): https://jewelyblue.com/part-1-rachel-chandler-rachel-green-friends
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Shaq going against vax mandates, pretending to be anti-establishment. 🙄

Ya'll should have spoke up at the BEGINNING of the vax push & not wait until the vaccines are all distributed to have MAXIMUM impact, knowing ppl aren't falling for / taking the shit anymore & then pretend to be against it.

"People aren't lining up & taking the vaccine anymore"

"Yeah I know. Hey, let's pretend we haven't been promoting it for the past 6 months & start speaking out against it, so the ppl think we're their friend & can't tell who's side we're actually on"

This goes for you "whistleblower" Dr's too & that's why your shit isn't on my page. Nice try tho continuing to prop up FAKE MAINSTREAM PSEUDO-SCIENCE / BIOLOGY but giving it a slight twist to fit the appeasement of those of us against the globalist vaccine.

"Whistleblower" Dr's wanna destroy narratives? Promote a topic & books that are BANNED by the FDA :
"Magnetism & Its Effects on the Living System" &
- "The Magnetic Blueprint of Life" by Albert Davis & Walter Rawls
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Remember when the United States was the one to fear cuz we were the strongest country on the face of the planet?

Nancy Pelosi is supposed to speak FOR & represent our country's citizens in its entirety, first & foremost.

Imagine if your boss at work told you not to speak ill of a rival company that until that moment, you'd assumed has absolutely zero affiliation with yours & what you do all day.

Who do you speak for & represent, Nancy?

It's almost as if China's Deep State owns absolutely every major aspect inside our nation vital to our economy & going against / angering them causes them to flex & show us just exactly how quickly they can squeeze our supply chains, energy sectors, inflation & various other debilitating factors that touches all our lives on a daily basis

Those who are blackmailed by communist China are easier to spot now, more than ever

Was the money worth it Nancy?
Is watching what made our nation strong, being torn apart & distributed to various nations, & our citizens sold, worth it?
Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
As our first dive into parasite cleanses and other benefits to detoxing, tonight I’ll be joined by Alexia Icenhower!

An investigative journalist, Alexia Icenhower has researched suppressed healing for 5 years after healing herself with antiparasitics from stage 3 kidney disease and autism. She we'll walk us through many of the suppressed cures from herbs to oxidizers that will reverse many diseases we pick up here on the matrix.

Media is too big
Rick Bright in 2019 on C-Span, who was the former head of BARDA & now leads the Rockefeller Foundations global VACCINE SUPPLY TEAM, WHOM ALSO ORDERED THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE STOCKPILES - - "There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there thats COMPLETELY DISRUPTIVE that's not beholden to bureaucratic strings & processes. It's is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere, we could get the RNA sequence from that, beam it to a number of regional centers, if not local, if not even in your home at some point, & print those vaccines & self-administer"

Fauci- -" We really do have a problem with how the 🌎 perceives influenza & it's gonna be very difficult to change that, unless U do it from within & say, "I don't care what ur perception is, we're gonna address the problem in a DISRUPTIVE way & in an interive way"

ie : 'not enough ppl are getting the flu shot & we aren't making enough $ by leaving it to choice'
Media is too big
It wasn't just Nikola Tesla that furiously opposed the fallacy of the Electron Particle & particle physics in its entirety, enforced upon us by the Rockefellers

The discoverer of the "Electron Particle" himself, J.J. Thompson, REFUSED to call it a particle, until he was BRIBED by mainstream scholars with a Nobel Prize, accolades & tons of fame / money

The main players of Electrical theory that have given us 100% of our modern world, have tried to push back against the cabal of their time that had the reigns, controlling what our great grandparents were also taught when they were children.

Generations & generations of control & indoctrination.

Do you think we're being lied to in politics & every other fascet of society EXCEPT Mainstream $cience?

Politics was created as a means to control what the masses were subjected to & allowed to learn, in order hide the very knowledge our Ancient Ancestors had about energy, that directly represents all occult symbolism.


Video Link :

ϕ 🧲

vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty
It wasn't just Nikola Tesla that furiously opposed the fallacy of the Electron Particle & particle physics in its entirety, enforced upon us by the Rockefellers The discoverer of the "Electron Particle" himself, J.J. Thompson, REFUSED to call it a particle…
On the top is a 1D view of the Energetic Toroidal Resonant Field of an 'Electron Particle', very similar to the Torodial Rings of a raindrop in a lake

On the bottom are my power buttons for my machines at work that were built by General Electric DIRECTLY

General Electric's success was solely due to Charles Proteus Steinmetz, a man who helped Nikola Tesla get his generator to work. A man whom if not for him, General Electric would NOT exist today & who also opposed the notion of an "Electron Particle" & particle physics entirely

Charles was nicknamed, "The Forger / God of Electricity" by the owners General Electric themselves

Isn't it odd, a portion of this Torodial RESONANT Field is also used as the Wi-Fi symbol? How can "Electrons" transmit wirely to give energy & power?

Very Educational Videos :

Nikola Tesla On The Electron :

Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz & Oliver Heavyside On The Electron :

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
Nikola Tesla - - "Energy, frequency & vibration."
Those aren't 3 seperate entities.
They're a unified 1.

Think of using vibrational acoustics to not only carve ancient magalithic stone, but to levitate & move them.

The Trumpets that caused the Walls of Jericho to fall. What REALLY did that? Harmonic Resonance.

Since every atom vibrates via gyromagnetic precession, which is reducable to frequency at its core, couldn't you then control the states of matter?

Nikola Tesla - - "Light can be nothing other than a Soundwave in the Ether."

Transmutation of matter to a plasma state seems to the the future of healing for our cells to obsorb energy from "higher dimensions."
It was done in our Ancient past.

"When the bass drops!"
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