Warren Balogh
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The US Army's new recruitment ad grants several concessions to whites, including omitting any portrayal of the Civil War in its historical montage.

And yet, the reaction from the demographic they are targeting with this relatively "unwoke" piece of propaganda is still negative.

Forwarded from Justice Report
Biden Regime eyes $886 billion defense budget for Ukraine and future wars... Find news like this at the justicereport.news
Forwarded from Justice Report
Shelter inflation hits record high as Americans' real wages drop for 32nd straight month... The consumer price index is forecast to have risen 6 per cent year on year in February, according to a consensus estimate compiled by Reuters... Which would represent a 0.4 per cent increase from the prior month... Find news like this at the justicereport.news
This is fucking outrageous... and we wonder why fertility has been dropping for decades?? GREED is what causes the government to sign off on harmful chemicals if they keep the hideous growth machine going, the same GREED that brought millions of Africans to this continent centuries ago and continues to bring over millions of nonwhites as replacement labor. Neoliberal government is the handmaiden of race-destroying, nature-destroying big business, which ultimately keeps feeding the Jew-usury bottomless pit, and they never do anything until the evidence is overwhelming they are poisoning hundreds of millions of people.

WASHINGTON — For the first time, the federal government will require utilities to remove from drinking water two toxic chemicals found in everything from waterproof clothing to dental floss and even toilet paper, the Environmental Protection Agency announced on Tuesday.

Michael S. Regan, the administrator of the E.P.A., said the government intends to require near-zero levels of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, part of a class of chemicals known as known as PFAS. Exposure to the chemicals has been linked to cancer, liver damage, fertility and thyroid problems, asthma and other health effects.

“This is very significant,” Mr. Regan said in an interview. “This is the first time in U.S. history that we’ve set enforceable limits for PFAS pollution.”

The synthetic chemicals are so ubiquitous in modern life that nearly all Americans, including newborn babies, carry PFAS in their bloodstream. Dubbed “forever chemicals” because they do not break down and persist in the environment, the chemicals seep into soil and water. As many as 200 million Americans are exposed to PFAS in their tap water, according to a peer reviewed 2020 study.

Last year the E.P. A. found the chemicals could cause harm at levels “much lower than previously understood” and that almost no level of exposure was safe. It advised that drinking water contain no more than 0.004 parts per trillion of perfluorooctanoic acid and 0.02 parts per trillion of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. Previously, the agency had advised that drinking water contain no more than 70 parts per trillion of the chemicals....

In addition to endangering human health, PFAS chemicals also pose a problem for wildlife. The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit advocacy organization, has created a map based on hundreds of studies showing where the pollutants have been detected in animals, fish and birds, threatening species like dolphins and endangered sea turtles.

Warren Balogh
This is fucking outrageous... and we wonder why fertility has been dropping for decades?? GREED is what causes the government to sign off on harmful chemicals if they keep the hideous growth machine going, the same GREED that brought millions of Africans…
Mark Ruffalo, the actor who has used his celebrity status to lobby for stronger drinking water standards, said the government’s decision was a long time in the making. “And I know it took a lot of political guts,” he said.

Mr. Ruffalo, who said he was inspired to take action after reading a New York Times profile of Rob Bilott, a corporate attorney who took on Dupont, said he was frustrated to find that industrial chemicals known both by manufacturers and regulators to be dangerous to humans were being discharged daily into the air and water. (Mr. Ruffalo later portrayed Mr. Bilott in the 2019 film “Dark Waters.”)

“Over and over I see the same model play out,” Mr. Ruffalo said. “It’s a coziness that the industry has to power. They all game the system in order to make money over people’s health.”

Some industry groups criticized the proposed regulation
and said the Biden administration has created an impossible standard that will cost manufacturers and municipal water agencies billions of dollars. Industries would have to stop discharging the chemicals into waterways, and water utilities would have to test for the PFAS chemicals and remove them. Communities with limited resources will be hardest hit by the new rule, they warned.

😭 Oh, think of the small communities!!!! Nice to know industry groups are always thinking of the small communities. 🙄
Forwarded from Htrac
Not only immigration. Tories also have the most diverse cabinet ever, raised taxes to the highest levels since WW2, massively increased borrowing and spending, been spending money on unconscious bias training for MPs, and teaching CRT and anti-white wokeness and LGBT stuff in schools. It's as if Jeremy Corbyn was elected, the Conservatives conserved absolutely nothing and kowtowed to the far left at every opportunity.

Max Boot wants us to know that he is a “neocon no more.” In a long essay for Foreign Affairs, ostensibly the nation’s premier international relations publication and the flagship journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, Boot rebrands himself after a quarter century of promoting chaos.

Forwarded from NIGR Gamers Lounge
White people are less willing to serve in the occupation forces than persons of crime.
British and later American geopolitical strategy always relied on sanctioning your economy and starving your people into weakness or submission.

Rise of China has made this strategy obsolete. Venezuela, Iran and Russia have adapted and even thrived despite being subjected to ZOG's famine blockades all thanks to China.

If sanctions no longer work, Jews in Washington will have trouble winning wars and twisting arms to get their way. This is what the anti-China panic is really about.
⚡️🇦🇪🇮🇱 The UAE has frozen all security/military deals with Israel, hours after the signing of the Iran-Saudi deal.
Cited instability and violence by Netanyahu's govt against Palestinians.

📎 Prism
An act of desperation by a man on his knees trying to get back into the good graces of his bosses... and he definitely knows who his bosses are 😁
Forwarded from Mike Peinovich
Excellent news. We covered this when it first happened during the 2020 race riots. Turns out the blacks never showed up for court, leaving the government no choice but to drop the charges.

Forwarded from Justice Report
Expert witness withdraws from Douglass Mackey’s 'election interference' trial after SPLC intimidation... Mackey's attorneys have requested a two-week adjournment after the Southern Poverty Law Center apparently intimidated a witness into withdrawing his testimony... The persecution of Douglass Mackey... Find news like this at the justicereport.news
Forwarded from MODERN POLITICS 🇺🇸

Evil Regime in Crisis
Emily and Warren unpack the multiple crises besetting the regime: bank failures, the J6 narrative collapse and looming foreign policy disasters.

This is an article on Wokeism and why Jews have rushed to control the backlash to it.

Brilliant analysis of the "Woke" and fake "anti-Woke" phenomenon by Striker today:

The majority of [the conservative “anti-woke”] movement’s academics and journalists are Jews: Eric Kaufmann, Batya Ungar-Sargon, Bari Weiss, Zach Goldberg, Matthew Yglesias, Abigail Shrier, Dave Rubin, Bret and Eric Weinstein, et al. Many of them identified as left-liberals until very recently, some still do.

These figures specialize in flooding disinformation and confusion on what exactly wokeness is.
This is a deliberate categorical obfuscation that trickles down to the Republican party rank-and-file, and its intention is as a place holder for popular discontent that prevents a proper Hegelian pro-white antithesis to the anti-white thesis from forming.

In its essence, what people refer to as “woke” is the “Open Society” — radical minoritarian liberalism used as a tool of control by a collectivist and racialist Jewish plutocracy. The Bolsheviks implemented a prototype of this in their campaign against “Great Russian Chauvinism,” but the ideology was perfected by the post-war Judeo-American and Atlanticist establishment through college-educated and affluent Baby Boomers — the first Western generation properly instructed in this worldview — as they came of age in the 1960s.

The ideology exists in a continuum. The speed of its “progress” ebbs and flows depending on circumstance, but ultimately its corrosion advances. The pauses that follow a transformative moment in American history (Civil Rights viz-a-viz Nixon, rising “LGBT” cultural power and the Defense of Marriage Act/Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Obama identity politics to Trumpism) are brief interludes, but in the end meaningless and ephemeral. Its driving force is: 1) Western nations, cultures and people are illegitimate due to the collective sin of the Holocaust (as summarized by Theodor Adorno’s quote “No poetry after Auschwitz”) and other supposed historical atrocities related to collectivism and the exclusion of the “Other” and 2) An exception to this rule for those who are minorities of race and paraphilic sexual practices, who must be morally and socio-politically empowered to rule over majorities as a prerequisite to liberal Democracy.

Naturally, no majority, regardless of race, enjoys being treated like second-class citizens in their own country. The solution to this, developed by Jews closely connected with the US power structure in works such as Karl Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies and Karl Loewenstein’s Militant Democracy is to utilize soft (in education, think “Critical Race Theory,” and in the work place, “cancel culture”) and hard power (criminally prosecuting “hate”) to stifle and suppress the vitalism of a targeted majority as well as their political will.

In other words, the crisis of representative democracy in America and the rest of the West — where the will of the people is thwarted by judiciaries or populist frauds who appear out of nowhere waste supporter’s time and money — is a product of malicious intent.

But traditional forms of repression can’t always intercept a reaction when anti-majoritarian forces become excessive....

This is where the dialectical distortion of the Jews currently taking the reigns of the permitted opposition to the “woke” comes into play.
The atmosphere in today’s America is one of stewing resentment following the institutional deployment of anti-fascist emergency powers that have culminated in the ossification of anti-white policies and day-to-day violence after the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the Charlottesville protest in 2017, and the George Floyd riots of 2020. This necessitates a steam valve, one that contains the potential for blowback on the real architects of these troubles and thus avoids any meaningful change.

What people really want -- a complete end to support for Ukraine, mass deportation of all illegals, preserving and increasing state intervention in the economy, punishing the j-left and anti whites, even financially incentivizing women to settle down with young men -- is outside of the bounds of allowed discourse in right wing media.

Conservative consultants confuse the garbage Fox News and the Daily Wire put out there with what people want because they enjoy high ratings, but that's only because there's nothing else to watch if you arent a libtard. Tapping the forbidden and hidden political faction of white populism/nationalism is the secret to Trump's continued political success.
Forwarded from Jazzhands
As new polling shows Trump with a 14 pt lead over DeSantis, Jews who sought a return to depolarized, deradicalized, and utterly demoralized Republican Party business-as-usual politics are frantically trying to resuscitate DeSantis' sinking ship.

They couldn't pass him off as a viable Trump substitute and get anyone to bite on poorly duplicated hand motions and bombast, so now they're attempting to cast DeSantis as the number one enemy of the media who they say are villifying DeSantis more than Trump. The psychological game goes something like this:

"You really hate the media, right goy? Well guess who they hate more than anyone else? Ron DeSantis. And they hate him so much because he's a conservative and they're evil liberals who are going to take everything away from you and make America socialist. You wouldn't want that would you? Don't you want the guy they hate that's just like Trump in every way but isn't erratic or unstable? When the stakes are this high don't you want someone who can win?"

Finkelthink. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Forwarded from Antelope Hill Publishing
Happy St. Patrick's Day! St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Catholic faith to Ireland in the 5th century and his feast today is a celebration of the strength of Ireland. What better way to celebrate than learning more about Ireland and their fight for independence in The Collected Works of Pádraic Pearse:

"Always it is the many who fight for the evil thing, and the few who fight for the good thing; and always it is the few who win. For God fights with the small battalions."

Éirinn go Brách!

TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform