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In a piece of bizarre political theater, the US now officially recognizes a government in Venezuela that does not exist. Despite the termination of the government recognized by the US, State Department spokesman Ned Price assured a press briefing that "our approach has not changed"....

In a January 3 press briefing, Price was asked if "the United States still recognize[s] Juan Guaidó as legitimate interim president." Price answered that "we continue to recognize what is the only remaining democratically elected institution in Venezuela today, and that’s the 2015 National Assembly."

But since Guaidó’s claim to interim leadership, which was based on his position as annually rotating president of that National Assembly, should have expired two years ago, he is no longer the head of that Assembly. And that Assembly was replaced by the one that was democratically elected in December 2020.

Just as in World War I, World War II, and Vietnam, it is never just military support. President Wilson, President Roosevelt, and President Johnson all promised that they would not send Americans into a war. President Wilson created a campaign slogan of “he kept us out of war.” FDR created the lend-lease program to arm the British and later the Soviets, all the while keeping “neutrality.” Presidents Kennedy and Johnson sent military aid and advisors to support the South Vietnamese government until the United States sent combat troops after the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Despite the promises of these politicians, war was the result.

Although we don’t know the plans of Western government officials, we can analyze their previous plans and policies: broken promises, broken treaties, sanctions, and coups that built up the mistrust between East and West and caused the harmful consequences we see today.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin may have inadvertently disclosed a broader, ignoble motive for the proxy war. An April 2022 statement that he issued in Poland at the end of his stealth visit to Kyiv emphasized that Washington’s goal was not merely to help Ukraine repel Russia’s invasion, but to "weaken Russia" to the point that it could no longer pose a threat to any other country. Achieving such an objective would indisputably require a prolonged war in Ukraine – regardless of the consequences to the Ukrainian people.

That cynical strategy replicates the one the United States used in Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989....

The goal in Afghanistan then, as it is in Ukraine now, was simply to harass and bleed Washington’s adversary. Then, as now, there was little concern about the impact on the beleaguered inhabitants in the country serving as an arena for a proxy war – and surprisingly little concern about the wider geo-political ramifications. Tom Twetten, the number 2 official in the CIA’s clandestine service during the 1980s, later admitted that US leaders had no postwar plan for Afghanistan.

McCarthy following through on his promise to get Ilhan Omar removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee because of her opposition to Israel.

We are less than a month into the new year, only weeks into the new Congress, and the Republicans' top priority is silencing a critic of Zionist genocide. This GOP should not only be defeated at the ballot box, it should be declared an illegal foreign spy and terrorist organization and outlawed.

Forwarded from Justice Report
The teaser for Kidnap and Kill: An FBI Terror Plot is now live. The full trailer for the investigative documentary—which covers the FBI's corruption and misdeeds behind the Gretchen Whitmer case—will go live on January 31st. Stay tuned!

Essay I talked about on tonight's Mike & Warren Report, by Mark Weber of IHR.

One of the most important things about history I've ever read and was hugely important in getting me into politics.

The Volkshalle was to be the crowning architectural achievement of Germania, the magnificent city that was planned to rise out of the ruins of Berlin after the successful conclusion of the war.

This unbelievably massive domed structure would've dwarfed the Great Pyramid of Giza and reached nearly as tall as the Empire State Building.

In a future in which ZOG no longer exists, such a structure could still be built. The ugliness and banality of postwar architecture in the West reflects the barren spirit of the Judeo-capitalist mentality, but the beauty of architecture is that everything built can be torn down, everything once destroyed can be rebuilt, and even lost dreams can one day be realized. When this era of greed and ugliness is finally overturned, architectural glories will rise the likes of which we can scarcely imagine!
Another interesting double standard with the US regime vs. the rest of the world is the United States explicitly refuses to adopt a "no first use" policy when it comes to nuclear weapons.

The United States has refused to adopt a no first use policy and says that it "reserves the right to use" nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict.

China and India are the only nuclear-armed countries that have a formal "no first use" policy, although the Soviet Union adopted a formal "no first use" position in the last decade of the Cold War. Putin has pledged to never use nuclear weapons first, and Russian nuclear doctrine states nuclear weapons are only to be used defensively, "in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies," and also "in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened."

Nuclear first strike for me but not for thee. Do what I say, not what I do. It's worth remembering that the only regime in history to ever actually use nuclear weapons in wartime was the stars-and-stripes/freedom/liberal democratic United States of America (on two defenseless cities packed with civilians).

The official position of ZOG in all things is, we have the right to do whatever we want, anywhere in the world, and if anyone pushes back they are a threat to democracy, world peace and the rules based international order.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
VIDEO: The LGBT Activist Paedophile Ring
An affluent suburban homosexual activist couple adopted two young boys from a Christian adoption agency. These men were cheered on as ‘progressive heroes’ on social media, but behind the colourful rainbows, the truth was far darker than anyone could have imagined.
ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20230127---The-LGBT-Activist-Paedophile-Ring:d
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NcR4tSAktkJN/
🇵🇸🇮🇱📃 — Israeli Media reports that the Deathtoll of such attack rose to 8.
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The area where the shooting occurred is Neve Yaakov, an illegal and internationally condemned Israeli settlement.
Forwarded from White Papers

In the last 36 or so hours there have been two stories of racial foreigners attacking Europeans in their own countries.

One attack in Germany left two teenagers, a 17 year old girl and 19 year old male, dead. 7 others were injured.

In the south of Europe two Spanish priests were attacked and killed. Another several people were injured.

The European Union and memberstate governments are investing billions in combating anti-semitism and protecting Jewish places of worship on the continent, meanwhile native Europeans and their important social and culture institutions are left unprotected and vulnerable.

Last week we mentioned how the European parliament held a vigil for a Jewish woman killed in Israel and once again we ask, will there be vigils, moments of silence and demands for change as a result of these murdered Europeans?

We all know the answer is no. European lives are valueless to this system unless being used to fight neoliberal wars for their Jewish handlers.

The governments of White nations refuse to protect our elderly, our youth, our clergy and our culture. They import millions annually to every continent and country in which we reside.

This system has abidcated every shred of legitimacy it may have once had. Washington, Brussels, Berlin and the neoliberal classes which inhabit those centres of power are our political enemies.

Nationalists must present a positive vision for the future, and the only viable solution to protecting White people is for nationalists to have the power of the state in their hands.

We are fighting a political and cultural battle for our future.
Forwarded from White Papers
"By Land, By Sea"

The United States has long faced an invasion over its southern border. Greece has continuously struggled to control the situation along its border with Turkey, and migrants flow freely through Ukraine and into the rest of Europe.

The borders of Spanish cities are stormed in waves so large and menacing that the scenes look as if they were cut directly from an action film.

Masses of military age men move across the Mediterranean Sea to Italy, Spain, Malta and Greece.

The English channel is a freeport for the military age men of the world to enter the UK.

Even Australia's resources as strained as it struggles to turn back illegal Sri Lankans who try to reach its shores by boats.

And now another frontier has reopened in North America as Cuban migrants, and many Haitians (over 300,000 of which live in Cuba), are reaching the United States in their thousands.

In 2021 only 838 Cubans made the journey to the United States, but since October 2022 more than 5,000 Cubans and Haitians have come to the US. 1,200 of them in January of 2023 alone.

Many of these migrants, over half, have been rescued at sea by US authorities and taxied to American shores.

Our nations do not have secure borders because our elite choose not to secure them.

We must point out that this is a policy choice, and that securing our frontiers is not at all complicated or 'difficult'.
Forwarded from Press TV
Malnutrition rates at record high in Afghanistan, warns UN food agency

🔹A World Food Program (WFP) official says malnutrition rates in Afghanistan are at record highs as half of the population struggles with severe hunger amid the deteriorating economic situation fueled by Western sanctions.

👉🏻Read more

#Afghanistan #Malnutrition

Forwarded from Justice Report
Mass protests against record levels of asylum seekers have rocked Ireland... However, the Irish government is planning to take in even more non-White migrants this year... Find news like this at the justicereport.news
Barnes & Noble is on the side of the Resistance in this Info War. Also featured, a book by "the most banned woman in the world."
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