Wouldn't you know it, in August 2020, VPC printed half a million incorrect ballot applications in the state of Virginia ALONE.

Source: https://archive.ph/ejzjd

And in October of 2020, ProPublica published a deep dive into their operation, claiming that VPC sent out MILLIONS of unsolicited ballots to people.

Source: https://archive.ph/20210514203125/https://www.propublica.org/article/a-nonprofit-with-ties-to-democrats-is-sending-out-millions-of-ballot-applications-election-officials-wish-it-would-stop

Which begs the question:

With tens of millions more dollars flooding the coffers at VPC and the ability to print and send ballots to people unsolicited...

If they're tracking who does and doesn't cast ballots in elections (and have since 2013).. how easy would it be to use that info to fill in the gaps?

Their mission statement on their website says they help people "register and CAST BALLOTS" after all.

Just some food for thought.


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