If I’m building a home and a household for myself and those I love, my passion and my first thoughts are driven by my love of my people who will live in that house.

But no matter how much love and work I put into that home, if I don’t have a security system to keep out the people who would break in and destroy that home, there’s no point in building it.

This the idea behind “It’s more important to be anti-Semitic than pro-White.”

Being pro-White is our passion and our driven force. Being anti-Semitic is how we protect that White thing we build.

You can’t have the first without the second. So maybe a more palatable way to say it would be: Being pro-White requires you to be anti-Semitic.

Everyone in our thing already gets this. It’s the gayop/fed/retard/Jew infiltrators who try to turn this into something divisive.
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