Correctly identifying a problem (globalization, for example), but misattributing its origin, typically defuses the efficacy of any movement that arises to oppose it.

Millions marched against the Iraq war 20 years ago. It was the most protested American conflict since Vietnam. Yet it had 0 impact on the trajectory of the war.

The reason? The left treated the false narrative that the Iraq war was a conspiracy by oil companies as consensus, even though Big Oil played 0 role in planning, lobbying for, or orchestrating the invasion.

Counter Jihad was another one. The phony right disseminated the lie that mass immigration to Europe was an Islamist conspiracy to implement Sharia law. They were correct to oppose immigration, but identified the wrong target and exhausted all their resources on supporting Israel, making Moroccans watch gay porn to pass Dutch citizenship tests, and passing laws to make Arab women wear bikinis. During this time Europe received more non-European immigration than ever before.

Letting paid liars and Jews swerve popular opposition to globalization into personalized obsession with a German accented hollywood villain effectively makes the anti-globalist movement moot and allows the real conspiracy — one that passes evidentiary scrutiny and is viciously censored because it is actually true — to march on unimpeded and uninterrupted.

If opposition to the Iraq war, mass immigration and now globalization identified the actual string pullers instead of focus firing on carefully manufactured decoys, these movements would've actually succeeded in solving these real problems.
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