Nampally Baba [2004], as devotees call him, is considered as one of the Dattatreya Avadhutas. Devotees call him by this name because he was recognized at the side of the police station in Nampally before moving on to Goulipura to the house of his devotee Mr. Shravan Kumar.

His first appearance occurred in the year 1945 near cremation grounds in Malakpet. In 1972 Baba met with an accident and underwent amputation of his right leg at the Osmania hospital.

Later he was seen again in 1980 at the Nampally police station. In the year 1987, he moved to his devotee Shravan Kumar’s home. Nampally Baba said of himself that he is the 6th Avatar of Dattatreya to one of his devotees.

As a real Avadhoota, he had a unique lifestyle beyond the comprehension of the common man. Even though he rarely bathed, only once in a few months, a beautiful fragrance always emanated from his body.

Many people criticized him, but Master Shri Ekkirala Bharadwaj Ji identified him not as an ordinary person but a great Yogi and an Avadhoota. Master Shri Ekkirala Bharadwaj Ji used to advise many of his students to pay a visit to Nampally Baba and receive his blessings.

There were many instances when Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in the dreams of his devotees and instructed them to visit Nampally Baba as He [Sai] is working in the form of Nampally Baba.

Baba left his mortal frame on November 6th, 2004. A Samadhi Mandir has been constructed with his body placed in the Dharmapuri, MIyapur. Even today, many miracles are experienced by devotees connected to Nampally Baba. you?” Baba replied, “PARA BRAHMA”.

Nobody knows the actual name of Baba. Once a child of 2 years old was shown Baba and said that he was Datta. She subsequently called him, ‘DATTA, DATTA,’ but he did respond to her.


Baba intimated to many of his devotees before his departure through a vision in their dreams. At the final stages of his life, Baba’s health deteriorated, and a doctor was called. The doctor examined and advised them to take Baba to the Appolo hospital. Suddenly, Baba collapsed, and when taken to the hospital, he was declared dead. This occurred on November 6, 2004. After much discussion, his body was placed at Dharmapuri, Miyapur, and a Samadhi Mandir was constructed over it.

Even today, many devotees visit the place and have Darshan of Baba and circumambulate the Samadhi to receive His blessings. Thus, many devotees still experience miracles by the grace of Baba. immensely and became almost unbearable. But still she continued and completed the circumambulation, after which she sat down. To her surprise, the pain disappeared, and even the lump also had disappeared, leaving absolutely no trace.

Nampally Baba hardly ever spoke and did not leave any writings. His primary way of teaching His devotees was through inner experiences in dreams and meditation.


Once Master Sri Ekkirala Bharadwaj sent his student Mr. Jaya Chandra Reddy to take darshan of Baba. He went to Baba for three days continuously, but Baba did not speak anything; however, Baba ordered him to bring a cigarette and tea on the third day. On his return – to his astonishment, there was rainfall everywhere around, but nearly more than one foot from Baba was no rain, nor was he drenched …!! He was astounded seeing this miracle.


One devotee by the name of Mr. Ramakrishna Murthy records a miracle that he witnessed. One Unani doctor came to Baba taking a bottle of water with him and asked Baba, “My wife is sick; why are you not doing anything for her ?” Baba took the bottle, spat in it, and returned the bottle. His wife had breast cancer and not getting relief from any medication, but was miraculously cured by drinking the water given by Baba!!

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