As you all may have already have seen this week we have been helping a couple of individuals one in particular a gentleman who came to the outreach in need of a sleeping bag, he started a new job at a st James hotel as a porter and we helped him with primark vouchers which enabled him to have work clothing, we also provided him with a hostel and have now found this room below for him to move into in Southgate, it is available immediately and is £550 a month but we still have £100 left which we would use to extend the hostel but rather than do that we would like to try and raise the deposit for this room instead of keep fundraising every week for the hostel, going forward end of this month he will get paid his first wage and will be able to pay the rent himself.
For now I would like us as a support group to help raise the funds for this man to have a secure roof over his head.

Please help us if you can
Anthea x
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions