And here are another articles by the author from this series with more deep takes and better reasoning in comparison apples to apples, i.e. Rust and C++:

Overall, I prefer to use move semantics by default, with explicit ownership transfer, with explicit copies and cloning, with immutability and locality for everything by default, with lifetimes (for region based memory management, with exclusive RCs, rather than GCed memory) tied to local scopes, to ownership transfers and to borrowing by reference (either one mutable or many immutable) - all of this prevents of easy creation of whole class of issues and vulnerabilities related to operations with allocated memory, as dangling pointers, use after free, undefined behavior for dangling pointers and use after free, memory leaks (mostly, but not always, due to logical possible issues in code), shared mutable states and data races, especially in concurrent and multi-threaded code (search for fearless concurrency with Rust), and, what's mostly important, all of this in compile time, with strongly typed safety guarantees.

And many other modern programming things too - functional approach (first class functions, Fn, FnOnce, FnMut traits), Ord and Eq traits for ordering and equality checks for data types, iterators, generators and streams, pattern matching, futures and channels for asynchronous code with deferred computations, trait based ad-hoc polymorphism (with compile-time monomorphization) and generics (with even higher kinded types!), dyn traits for dynamic dispatching, as an exception, rather than the rule, and this fair as well for unsafe local blocks (which gives only reasonable type system relaxation, for only five options, needed for more deep systems development and optimizations, mainly raw pointers dereferencing , all options listed here, but unsafe mode inside particular local blocks not turns off borrow and ownership checker inside of unsafe blocks! only one owner allowed, with ownership transfer, with same rules for borrowing via references and for scope/ownership/borrowing based lifetimes!), and many many more wonderful things!

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