Supergroups can now have up to 10,000 members! We've added members search to supergroups to help you find people in these newly massive haystacks.

Admins also get new tools for managing the increasing group populations: creators can appoint admins with granular rights (add members, remove members, add new admins, etc.). We've also added partial restrictions for members (read-only, no stickers etc.) and temporary bans.

The new event log (admin-only) will help you see all service actions taken by members and admins of a channel or supergroup in the last 48 hours – with search and filters.

On top of this, we've added improved sharing to our iOS app, Android pay support to our Android app and many smaller quality-of-life improvements throughout.

Read more about version 4.1 on our blog:
The Benefits of Using a YT Audio to MP3 Converter