
KLIUCI is the largest private intergalactic marketplace for everything from home goods to fashion and accessories to food and beverage to skincare and more, but most notably for valuable ore

This marketplace is currently being beta tested on Stellar's Anchor Platform by select mining and construction companies across Russia, Kazakhstan, and USA for trading gold, platinum, silver, and new ore from meteorites. All transactions are being tested in XLM but future transactions may be conducted in eCosmos as well

No matter which organization is mining the celestial body (for example, Project Cometa or others), KLIUCI will be the primary exchange for both retail and wholesale intergalactic traders of these minerals and other products, making your products more valuable on KLIUCI than on earthly exchanges

Price: 0.05 XLM for 24 hr

🌟 Bonus Tiers (Cashbacks in Tokens) for Qualified Participants (QP):

@ 100K XLM = 10K% CashBack
@ 200K XLM = 20K% CashBack
@ 300K XLM = 30K% CashBack
@ 400K XLM = 40K% CashBack
@ 500K XLM = 50k% CashBack + wholesale access to KLIUCI (50% discount on all purchases) & authorized seller designation (your listed sale items are prioritized on the exchange)

This means QP will have access to the wholesale rates for everything on the exchange, such as building and construction materials, precious metals, fuels, etc., which will be especially beneficial for any QP who wishes to build off-planet residences and/or facilitate intergalactic humanitarian projects

For example: instead of the traditional method where homeowners who plan to custom build a home begins by getting a loan from their bank and then purchasing expensive materials through a contractor and awaiting delivery, in the future people can buy their materials directly on KLIUCI and use robots, CARGO, MAGLEV, teleportation, or 3D printing to deliver their goods quickly

‼️ Note: bonuses limited to 1 per KYC’d Qualified Participant, not per wallet

‼️ All QP must be a Qualified QSIGF ICO Investor, an active QSI Global Chat Member @QuantumStellarInitiativeChat, and a member of WHH @thewhitehatshome by Q4 2025


Domain: thewhitehatshome.org
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