Forwarded from Joel Davis
This tendency in our scene for people to call all people who have a critical analysis of capitalism "Marxists" is fucking braindead and highly counter-productive. Nationalists have always supported a mixed market economy, the idea that we have to reject "socialism" as though there is some kind of absolute dichotomy between the economics of Sean Hannity and Leon Trotsky is asinine. Economics should not be a question of ideological team sports, it should be a pragmatic field. The reality is that neoclassical economics is epistemic trash, its a psuedoscuence. Its defense of deregulated "free markets" should be junked, and the only real alternative to it is mixed market developmentalism. No one is seriously proposing a Soviet-style economic system lol, even the Soviets themselves rejected it in the end.

What is more pernicious about the Marxism-panic on the Right however is that it prevents the ruling class from being properly identified. If you can't describe the financial dimension of power without being written off as a "Marxist", Nationalism's fundamental enemy cannot be clearly identified.
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