Mantle forms strategic alliance with TON Foundation

TON Foundation and Mantle Network announced a strategic alliance with a focus on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Layer 2 solutions.

This collaboration aims to expand the potential of both ecosystems and ensure a smooth interaction between them. Mantle's role as a strategic EVM Layer 2 partner opens avenues for EVM-based projects to effortlessly bridge to TON.

The @community_bot will serve as both an educational and distribution platform. It will connect users in Mantle Network’s Telegram channels and Mantle Ecosystem project channels to TON's thriving community in Telegram.

Another important milestone is the bridging of Mantle Network's native token, $MNT, to TON. This development enhances access and interoperability for users in both ecosystems. Additionally, a wrapped version of $MNT, $jMNT, is now available for trading and liquidity provisions on, a cross-chain DEX.

To learn more about this alliance, read this article.
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