Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🔺💥🚩🛠 — In war against MST invasion group: Romeu Zema (NOVO), governor of Minas Gerais (MG), says he will not tolerate invasions and thanks the help of rural producers "Fence exists to be respected. The rural man needs security and peace to work," he said.…
🇧🇷💥 ⚒🚩 — Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Movement (MST) reaches the limit of signatures to be activated; application headed by deputies Lieutenant Colonel Zucco, Kim Kataguiri and Ricardo Salles achieved the endorsement of 171 deputies of Congress

The three unified their respective requests for CPI after a meeting of the Parliamentary Front of Agriculture (FPA), which supports the request.

It remains only for the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP), to read the request for the CPI to be created. Advisors close to Lira confirm that Lula and allies will try to prevent CPI from opening.

The MST invaded three productive farms of Suzano Papel e Celulose, in the municipalities of Teixeira de Freitas, Mucuri and Caravelas, in southern Bahia, at the turn of the month.

In addition, the movement recently invaded another land in Bahia and continues to plan to advance the invasions throughout the year, being entirely financed by politicians.
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