πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ€πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸͺ– β€” The armies of Brazil and France are conducting in French Guiana a combined military exercise of offensive operations, called FER de LANCE, which is considered the largest exercise of France in South America

The joint, combined and interagency exercise involves staff work and deployment of troops on the ground. The tactical framework involves offensive land, riverine and jungle operations against regular and irregular forces. In addition, the military conducts operations in the border strip and coastal defense, including with the evacuation of non-combatants.

"This interaction with the French troops, and in particular with the troops of the 3rd R. E. I, is a constant action, whether patrolling the rivers of the Oiapoque, or on the occasion of operational visits and sports competitions. This coexistence has been very beneficial for both armies”, as explained by the commander of CFAP/34ΒΊ BIS, based in MacapΓ‘, Lieutenant Colonel George Alberto.
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