vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty
Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in conjunction with Metabiota funded Ukrainian Biolabs / Gain of Function. They were also funding Wuhan via the NIH. "Metabiota awarded $23.9 Million in federal contracts by Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia & Ukraine for scientific…
Obama - Biolabs & Uranium

Lugar Center Inauguration Tbilisi 2011

Andrew C. Weber (on the right) – Appointed by Barack Obama, was then Assistant Secretary of Defense for US Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Defense Programs (2009-2014), US DoD Deputy Coordinator for Ebola Response (2014-2015), who is currently a Metabiota ( the US Biolab contractor in Ukraine) employee.

Obama appointed Weber played a KEY ROLE in the Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction which removed WEAPONS GRADE URANIUM from KAZAKHSTAN & Georgia.


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