Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
I apologize for spamming J6 video above for the past few weeks, but I won't stop cuz it's a topic NOT been discussed enough.

IF TRUMP splintered the CIA into 1000 pieces & scattered its ashes into the wind, it'd make sense Pelosi & Schiff are trying to create a NEW one, with all that money & spy equipment, with Field offices being established around the country.

Imagine having a new 3 letter agency exempt from FOIA.

That's literally A Black Budget shadow organization spy agency.

How would they funnel money into it?
Tell us it's funding for the Capitol Police...

They'd just be targeting opposition to OUR Movement & OUR Republic.

Judicial Watch is over the target pointing out Pelosi hiding from FOIA to cover-up the events of J6, with Shit-head Schiff leading the J6 Committee / narrative.

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