Media is too big
Tesla / Trump Energy?

"Operation WARP Speed"

Energy harnessed from Radio / Satelites can be paired with resonator batteries in our home appliances & also power a generator the size of a large Central AC Unit to power our homes.

Nikola Tesla :
"Everything is the Light"
& he was 100% correct.
Radio Waves IS Light.
Is Energy.
Is information.

Our crystalline Pineal Gland operates as resonators for our "Wi-Fi" enabled bodies which houses our Soul / Conciousness, functioning in the Energetic cavity within our Earth's Magnetic Field, which in of itself, is created via Cosmic Magnetic Induction from the sun.

"Most people don't think about it, but the Earth is... we're INSIDE a Magnetic Field right now."

True statement & every single one of our cells are Energetically connected / wirelessly plugged into it.

How Tesla Electricity (Which is Electro-Static Energy, not Electricity) can create Wireless Power.

12 year old video
Qlues to the Future

⚡️ϕ 🧲

Samsung HW-B650: A Powerful Soundbar for an Immersive Audio Experience