Media is too big
Senator Rand Paul torches Fauci & gets him to admit his OWN policies are absurd!

"There are no studies on children showing a reduction in hospitalization or death with taking a booster. The only studies that were permitted & presented were antibody studies so they say if we give you a booster you make antibodies now a lot of scientists would question whether or not that's proof of efficacy of a vaccine. A lot of scientists would question whether that's proof of efficacy of a vaccine."

Fauci :
"That is an absurd exaggeration."

Paul :
"Well THAT is the proof you & your commitee uses to push the vaccine on children. That's not science, that's conjecture & we should NOT be making public policy on it!"

Fauci, Gates, Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers & many other shadow groups thought this would just go away. It isn't & we won't let this go.
What they've done to our country, is Crimes Against Humanity & we're not letting this go. EVER.

ϕ 🧲

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