Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
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In your agreement to be sent to Earth:
Cons :

-You'll lose your powers

-You'll lose memory of who / what you truly are & what you're truly capable of

-You'll likely be living in poverty, eating the cereal you find in your couch cusions

-You'll likely spend the first 1/4 of your Earthly life-span wandering around the 🌎 spiritually lost, getting so drunk that you pee your pants

-You'll commit many sins due to Earth's ruling Powers That Shouldn't Be distorting & removing God's image from society & brainwashing you to believe that law enforcement is humanity's highest authority in the universe

-You'll be forced to watch people mentally, physically & spiritually deteoriate due to the drugs the ruling class pushes onto the masses & it'll crush your ♥️ to bear witness to

Pros :

-You'll one day be awoken to help The Great Awakening process for MILLIONS of other lost, manipulated & enslaved spiritual souls wandering the 🌎 who are searching for meaning / HOME

ϕ 🧲

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