Media is too big
👆👆👆 Video 👆👆👆

John Podesta - Chester Bennington
Tony Podesta - Brian Bennington

These sick occult elietes breed themselves into high society to amass control & influence.
If the kid is athletic > boosted into pro-sports.
Great voice - Music indictry.
Attractive - Modeling / Hollywood.
Ect ect

Chester Bennington & Chris Cornell's
Hunger Strike Lyrics ~

I don't mind
Stealing Bread
From the mouths of decadence.

But I can't feed on the powerless,
When my cup's already overfilled.
But it's on the table,
The fire's cooking.
& they're farming babies, 👈
While the slaves are all working.👈

Blood is on the table,
The mouths are choking.
But I'm going hungry.

I'm going hungry = I'm not participating, I'd rather starve.

IN THE ALBUM, lyrics are written down as *Starving babies, but U can CLEARLY hear they sing FARMING babies very loudly in this video😥

John Podesta / Obama / Tom Hanks-Rockefeller Pizza-Gate / Human Trafficking full documentary -

MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know