Media is too big
"Magnetism is a thing that rules the Universe."

Every Atom is an Electro-Static dynamo, (magnet) that's an entirely correct statement & an undeniable fact. Remember, Magnetism itself is nothing other than the coherently polarized Electro-Static Field.
⚛️ 🧲 ☯️

"Sound & Resonance is the source of creation.
Sound is the breath of the Creator & is the Prime Resonance Frequency & Source Code.'

"Sound & Resonance - The Breath of God. Sound manifests physical form"

Cymatics - Language / Biology of the Uni-verse -> One Song <- Frequency

Nikola Tesla : "Light can be NOTHING OTHER than Soundwaves in the Ether."

EVERYTHING around us is driven by Sound & Magnetic Fields.

🎶-Keys to unlocking our Ancient past & future.

Man didn't create Frequency.
satan can't create.
Which means NONE of this is the devil's work. It's ALL God's creational tools.

Do we need to use it to its FULL potential? No.
It's necessary to understand what satan has been manipulating to enslave humanity. Fields

Michael Tellinger -
Sound, Resonance, Magnetism & The TRUE Nature Of Reality :


ϕ 🧲

The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions