Forwarded from PaulMuaddib61 (paulmuaddib61)
Well its nice to see the CDC and "medical experts" finally catch to what I have been saying since 2020 and what actually started happening in 2019. (link below)

"Many of the deaths attributed to “COVID-19” were a continuation of the deadly Candida Auris fungal infections that had already been breaking out in nursing homes and hospitals around the world"

"The most common fungal infections in patients with COVID-19 include aspergillosis or invasive candidiasis. These fungal co-infections are reported with increasing frequency and can be associated with severe illness and death... usually occurs in patients with severe COVID-19 (e.g., patients on ventilators in ICUs" (H/T @Roxee143)

On the bright side, this has allowed to me to avoid the toilet paper shortage crisis because I have been wiping my ass with medical degrees since this whole thing began.

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