Media is too big
"If you want to change the Atom, you have to change the Energy that the Atom lives in. ⚛️ 🧲 🍩
If you want to change the physical stuff of our world, you have to change the Energy that that stuff exists within."

"The FIELD is what determines how the Atom behaves. The FIELD is made of electrical energy, & it's made up of magnetic energy."

"Our world is made up of Electrical & Magnetic Energy. If you change the Electrical or Magnetic Field, you change everything."

Including conciousness & perception.
You change the veil.

This video link below, will take you to a different video that's VERY educational & will show you the geometry of magnetism, how it ACTUALLY works, vs the BS propaganda occult cabal controlled mainstream science teaches us.

See how many occult symbolism and & corporate logos you can SEE. You'll then understand why many logos are used by these elitests.

Logos -> Greek - "Proportion, principle of order & knowledge" -> Hidden from humanity.

ϕ 🧲

TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform