Migrating AnySoftKeyboard user words history to HeliBoard

- Get a copy from https://github.com/AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard user words (in app settings there's an option to open its location)
- You need Python and Java JRE
- Run this python code, you can adjust file path to your xml correct one

from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime

file = Path("UserWords.xml")

def xml_to_aosp(lang, locale, description, date, version):
tree = etree.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
aosp_wordlist = f"dictionary=anysoftkeyboard:{lang},locale={locale},description={description},date={date},version={version}\n"
elements = root.findall(".//pref/pref")
for element in elements:
freq = element.find("value[@freq]").get("freq")
word = element.find("value[@word]").get("word")
aosp_wordlist += " word={},f={}\n".format(word, freq)


xml_to_aosp("ar", "ar", "Arabic wordlist", datetime.now().timestamp(), 18)

- Download https://github.com/remi0s/aosp-dictionary-tools/blob/master/dicttool_aosp.jar and use it to build a dict file from words list

java -jar dicttool_aosp.jar makedict -s aosp_wordlist_ar.txt -d anysoftkey_words.dict

- Copy the dict file to your device and open it from file manager to load with https://github.com/Helium314/HeliBoard
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