"Lieber Markus, ich habe auf einem US-amerikanischen Forum diese Empfehlung für den Umgang mit der Polizei gelesen. Deine Leser würden so etwas für D bestimmt gut finden. Hier der Text: Alte Regel, die mir ein paar Detektive und sehr produktive Straßenpolizisten…
Lieber Markus, ich habe auf einem US-amerikanischen Forum diese Empfehlung für den Umgang mit der Polizei gelesen. Deine Leser würden so etwas für D bestimmt gut finden.
Hier der Text: Old rule which a couple of detectives and very productive street cops told me years ago. As follows: "Deny, deny, deny, never concede a point. If they say that the sky is blue, say no. if they got pictures of you doing something, deny, say it is not you. Refuse to speak to them, never agree to go with them anywhere unless they are arresting you. Always say that you want to leave their presence and do not want to answer any questions. Say that you are leaving their presence and tell them that if they are stopping you, are you being detained. Yell, are you detaining me? If they stop you from walking away by blockage or hold, say that you are assuming that you are under arrest. If they say that you are being detained, say that you must know the reason now. Attempt to walk away, if they stop, ask why you are being detained. They must tell you." Always say to them that if they need to speak with you, you will have a lawyer make the arrangements.

Remember that all of this is done politely and without physical altercation other than attempting to walk away. so much stuff attaches when one starts doing this. Now some cops play the rudeness thing on you. Here is how you deal with that which crushes them. It also helps deal with your desire to talk and be nice which is a technique of saying a lot but saying nothing. The detectives and cops mentioned above begrudgingly liked this technique of mine.

Listen officer/detective, you might be the nicest, most professional and ethical cop/detective on the earth. However, i do not know you, and some members of your profession do terrible things. It should not reflect on the good members of your profession, however that must be your problem, not mine. Sad to say, but i do not trust you to behave morally unless and until i have some proof of your intentions.

They fear and hate confidence, especially when it is done with politeness. Non-verbal matters a lot.

Never place oneself in a situation where one is vulnerable to the accusation of another unless one can effectively control that person's potential bad behavior.
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