Entgegen der Meldung von Russia Today
sind Impfpässe in Texas nur eingeschränkt verboten.

Siehe hierzu:

„(b) A governmental entity in this state may not issue a vaccine passport, vaccine pass, or other standardized
documentation to certify an individual ’s COVID-19 vaccination status to a third party for a purpose other than health care or otherwise publish or share any individual ’s COVID-19 immunization record or similar health information for a purpose other than health care.“

„(c) A business in this state may not require a customer to provide any documentation certifying the customer ’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the business. A business that fails to comply with this subsection is not eligible to receive a grant or enter into a contract payable with state funds.“

„The crucial section is Part C!

The government cannot enforce COVID-19 vaccine passports because it causes a loophole in businesses.
I guess the best punishment is not receiving grant money or entering a contract with the government. Very few businesses would fit that category.

The majority of Texas’s companies will violate people’s rights and privacy with this bill. Even some people say ‘they’re a private company and they can do what they want.’

Private Companies cannot violate the 4th amendment and health privacy laws! The government has to protect citizens from these violations.

Governor Abbott’s bill cannot Protest Texans from Medical Jim Crow Vaccine Passports. But, Rod DeSantis, Florida, is what every American citizen needs.
Corporations like Royal Caribbean cannot get away with the discrimination.“

Im Gegensatz zu Florida, wo private Geschäfte eine Geldstrafe bis zu 5.000 Dollar zahlen müssen, wenn sie entsprechende Impfnachweise verlangen, ist die „Strafe“ in Texas nur, dass keine Geschäfte mit staatlichen Stellen getätigt werden können. Das dürfte für die meisten potentiellen Anbieter aber auch irrelevant sein.

Markus Haintz

Wenn Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht!

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty!

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