"Chilly Europe"

This article is roughly the third sob-story piece we have seen about how chilly European Union employees are in their buildings.

This piece is so tone-deaf that one cannot begin to comprehend how out of touch the elite in the media bubble must be.

The author wants us to feel bad that EU employees in a brand new state of the art building, currently packed with art displays, are "freezing just like you!" with the temperature set to 19 degrees celcius.

Meanwhile because of EU (and US) policy, one in four Germans are experiencing energy poverty, the German economy is struggling, and it's oft laded middle class is crumbling.

Swedes on making middle class wages are being forced form their homes due to energy bills upwards of 9,000 SEK (864 USD/800 EUR), and Swedish food production has taken it's second major hit since 2020.

You, dear reader, may be struggling to afford to keep the lights on and the cabinets stocked, but at least you are not employed by the neoliberal regime and sitting in a cold office building with a fat salary and generous benefits!

This entire system and its media and political classes are beyond repair. They must be replaced.
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