Don’t let your background determine who you will be.

I know some of you may have had troubled childhoods, disfunctional families and less than desirable circumstances growing up, but difficult beginnings will have made you far more resourceful and resilient than those that had it easier from the start.

Use this to your advantage and think of it as early important lessons.

You can’t change the past, so make use of it positively, no matter how negative it may have been. Choose to let it empower you, instead of weaken you.

Often the difference between those that achieve what they want and those that don’t, lies not so much in their abilities but in their mind set.

A child that grows up in an impoverished environment often sets their goals within certain parameters, ie; they cap their ambitions to what they think ‘people of their kind or background’ can achieve.

Whereas those that experienced a more privileged start, simply grow up thinking anything is achievable.

The difference between the two, is in many cases not ability or intelligence, but simply the mindset.

Don’t let where you start determine where you may finish. At the end of the day, your life is your responsibility, what you make out of it is entirely up to you.

Is life fair? No.
Is life easy? No.
Do some people get a better start? Yes.
Can you change any of the above? No.
But can you make the best of what you have and dare to dream big? Absolutely!

Don’t build your future with the ugly bricks of your past, build it with the beauty you wish you’d had.
❤️❤️❤️ ✅️
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