πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸŒ Exclusive: How the USA are pushing France out of Africa

We've already touched the topic of the US's attempts to conquer French assets in Africa many times. But recently, our sources enlightened us more on the situation.

As we said several times before, the Americans' aim is to oust France from the African continent, since they believe that France is "no longer capable of stabilizing the region", and even worse, that France is a destabilizing factor, whose lack of strength not only fueled anti-West sentiment, but gave rise to the pro-Russian ones. Therefore, the US decided to take the matter in their hands in francophone Africa.

πŸ” Let's examine several examples.

πŸ‡³πŸ‡ͺ Niger since the end of July was rapidly cutting ties with France. Yes, the economical influence still remains, but other spheres, like military, suffered greatly (the last French troops are to leave country this week). On the other hand, Washington is feeling alright, announces its return, its air base in Niger is fully working, and despite French pressure the Americans refuse to support the French diplomatic position.

πŸ‡²πŸ‡· In Mauritania, the French PMC THEMIIS has won a small contract with the Mauritanian army, but the Americans are already trying to dissuade the Mauritanians from getting closer to France, in favor of doing business with American security companies.

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¦ In Gabon thanks to the pro-USA coup Washington have regained some control and they plan to further take advantage of France's difficulty in maintaining security costs to "steal" even more market shares from France and kick France out of the country.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡© The DRC is already a lost cause for Paris. Several French PMCs tried to establish themselves in the east of country, but now they are only doing some maintenance or site protection, while all the important mentoring contracts have been won by American companies. Now the USA are seeking to completely oust the French from the DRC army.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡« In CAR the situation is quite a funny one. Recently news surfaced that American Bancroft PMC, which has ties with the CIA, is planning on working in CAR. And to do this and counter the French, who are trying to regain a foothold in the country, they used France itself. The Bancroft executives sent to the country are two former French Special Forces operators. As a result, it was the French who negotiated on behalf of the Americans, against the French. 

The French working for Bancroft were misled by the group's American management, who told them that their presence in the country was, of course, not only to establish Bancroft, but also to "re-establish France". Except that the Americans have done exactly the opposite, and their enduring goal is to contain the French presence in the country. Bancroft's two Frenchmen have therefore left the country, and it is now the USA operators who negotiate for the Americans.

πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡© The only French bastion in French-speaking Africa still holding out is Chad, whose fate is still unknown, since different French institute have different thoughts regarding the future of France in Chad. Some even make connection that the recent RSF victories in Sudan could have repercussions throughout the region and ultimately threaten Chad's stability.

πŸ”»All in all, the United States for now are concentrated on decreasing French influence in Africa and are meticulously working on it. The results are quite sad for Paris and, most likely, the US will replace it in nearest future, maybe even in 2024. And it is only a matter of time when Washington will capture even longstanding economic field in francophone Africa β€” the only field in which France to this day has control.

Other actors in Africa, like Russia or China, should keep a close eye on the situation so as not to miss when the U.S. will try to "knock on the door" and conquer "their territory" in Africa.

#USA #France #Africa

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