I don’t think anyone understands how insane this week’s Iranian attack on Israel was.

Like, I’m not sure when the last time we saw such an unbelievable military defense operation, if ever.

First of all, the countries that attacked Israel that night:

- Iran
- Syria
- Lebanon
- Iraq
- Yemen

At 1:42 AM, over 100 ground to ground missiles from Iran approached Israel’s airspace.

Simultaneously, drones and ballistic missiles were fired from Yemen, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

Tens of Israel fighter jets were scrambled. Those jets included F15, F16, and F35.

The Israeli planes flew deep into the airspace of the Middle East and began hunting the missiles and drones, detonating them one after the other.

In parallel, fighter jets from the U.S. and UK, along with other countries also took off and began to “hunt” the missiles.

The missiles and drones that survived the fighter jet attacks approached Israeli airspace and were immediately taken out by Israel’s defense systems including the Hetz (arrow) 2, Hetz 3, and more.

99% success with the 1% causing minimal damage/injuries/casualties.

This operation will go down in history as one of the greats.

Some people are concerned with how long this war is taking and are reaching the very incorrect conclusion that the IDF of today is not the same IDF as the one that won all the wars since Israel was established.

The IDF is stronger than ever. The war Israel is fighting in Gaza is unprecedented in its complexity given the urban nature of the battlefield, combined with the ruthlessness of Hamas that has zero concern for human life, Israeli or Palestinian.

On April 14th, 2024, the IDF showed the world what it’s capable of and without firing a single shot of any kind, it demonstrated how it was able to defeat the enemy and put them to shame.

What Israel will do next is yet to be seen, but the Iranian regime was utterly humiliated that night, and to top that off, they are now waiting in fear to see how badly the IDF punishes them for thinking they can mess with the Jews.

No matter what Israel does or does not do, the Iranian regime will forever be remembered for the massive military humiliation of April 14th, 2024.

Moral of the story: Don’t confuse Israel’s reluctance to go on the offense as some kind of weakness. Israel remains committed to the safety and security of its citizens. That is its only mission and that is why Israel has never started any war.

But guess what else the IDF has never done… Lost a war. This one will, please Gd, be no different.

Don’t mess with the Jews!

(Hillel Fuld on X)
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