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Отличнейшая статья, в которой кроме научно-обоснованого обзора того, что же может случиться с кибер-безопаностью с приходом реальных квантовых компьютеров, есть мега-важный раздел, связанный с мифами о квантовых компьютерах. Это те 4 мифа, с которых я начинал, когда рассказывал о квантовом компьютинге,

Воторой миф — мой любимый :)

Myth 2. Quantum computers simultaneously perform all branches of a (probabilistic) computation and can find accepting paths instantly.

Reality. Quantum computers span the space of possibilities, computational branches, in a peculiar way. It is similar with classical probabilistic computers (Bpp),b with the important difference that quantum computers behave as having "probabilities" that take complex values. This behavior, leads to "cancellations" of certain branches, since adding complex numbers is not monotonically increasing (unlike adding numbers in the interval [0, 1] as for BPP devices). This property, along with algorithms that exploit it, leads to quantum speed-ups. However, at the end of a quantum computation, the result (accepting/rejecting in a decision problem) is obtained by a single read-out/measurement and, therefore, all the "unrealized" branches do not contribute, contrary to the myth that quantum computers perform all branches in parallel in a way that someone can meaningfully extract all the information present in those branches.
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