Forwarded from The Real Kim Shady (Reigning Blood)
When chaos is seemingly the norm, why is it that some see “doom and gloom” while a select few see a silver lining?

In a shit storm, some run towards the fire while the majority will duck and run. Is this not true?

Calm, clear headed people always lead the pack. Watch President Trump speak.

Firm, decisive, leaders always have a cool confidence about them; unaffected by loudmouths that bring their weak ass, limp dick, sniveling to the forefront. (ex: media)

Sailing through uncharted waters, as we are now, will expose one’s character for better or worse. This is an indisputable fact.

Until you’re able to discern information in a positive light and understand it’s up to you to “save yourself”, you’ll always see the glass as “half empty”.

The world needs positivity and a vibrational frequency that uplifts humanity as one. Realize the evil forces can only be extinguished when they can be confronted head on; crushed and defeated by the sword of truth.

Into the fire we ride.
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