Ms. Ezarik went nearly a full year with no reported adverse effects. Dr. Charles Hoffe posited that most, if not all, vaxx recipients will develop blood clots and suffer eventual heart failure within two years after the injections. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny estimated that vaxx recipients (who receive the real shots) will all die within “42 days to a year.”

Ms. Ezarik posted a video on TikTok and YouTube on April 6. The YouTube caption says that she’d been in the hospital for five days. But there was no further elaboration. The next day, April 7, she posted a 20-tweet thread explaining what happened.

The first tweet says she was diagnosed with Paget-Schroetter syndrome, which is essentially deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the upper body instead of the legs. The condition is also known as venous thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).
She also suffered a pulmonary embolism and may require surgery to remove a rib. She ended the tweet with a laughing emoji.
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