My latest rant after yet another brainwashed medical cult victim started to spew Wakefield rhetoric of single vaccines as 'safe'.

VACCINES DO NOT WORK and NEVER HAVE! They are not based in science, actual physiology, or infectious understanding. Please, educate yourselves on pleomorphism. Your bodily environment, your terrain, is what protects you from infection NOT SOME WEIRD SYNTHETIC INJECTION! Exogenous microbes CANNOT infect healthy tissue in it's living terrain, EVER! And anyway, we are FULL of bacteria endemic to us that can change their shape and become wall-less! You can make yourself sick from the inside! No injection will prevent any of this, in fact it WILL for certain cause disease by affecting the internal milieu. This is scientific fact. The 40 year long monomorphism and pleomorphism war between microbiologists was buried. Evil intentions ensured that all truth in medicine was suppressed for big business interests (Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie, McKinley) and even worse, for other occult agendas of control and eugenics. SINGLE VACCINES AREN'T ANY ANSWER. Stop it already. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

"Extreme Pleomorphism and the Bacterial Life Cycle: A Forgotten Controversy"

All Human Blood Is Infected With Bacteria

Bacteria Cause Cancer -The Microscopic Evidence


#vaccines #monomorphism #pleomorphism #bacteria #lifecycle #infection #disease #truth #indoctrination #terrain #educate
#CANCER #blood #microscopic #staining #acidfast #microscopy
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