Forwarded from UNVACCINATED
Trump has not said a single world against vaccine, Putin is vaccinated with triple dose, Ivanka trump with double dose and mass media is showing that they r going to save u from new world order!!!!

Qanon group is controlled oppostion by these same forces who r controlling the world.. they r deceiving u in the name of awakening. Infact the whole process of awakening is planted by themselves.

Today's reality is that every human being is under mass psychological operation. Vaccinated or non vaccinated. Pro NWO or Anti NWO both r brainwashed and both sections r dancing on the tunes of world economic forum.

We humans have to make a great sacrifice and be self dependent in every sector be it farming or any survival needs.. We have to open our eyes and have to look what is happening around us. Conspiracy is even
deeper as u think...

Plz awake humanity and look what is happening around us..

They r making us to dance to their tune and we r dancing.

They r propogating fear and we r feared.

We have to wake up and make a revolution by ourself not by depending on any leader or massiah..
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