Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon

So, in 2020, we’re told that India had not only isolated SARS-CoV-2, but done so in such quantities, that an Indian biotech could manufacture hundreds of millions of doses of “inactivated whole virus”.

Very large volumes of virus, they claim have been grown up, sufficient to directly manufacture large numbers of doses. Not a gene based “vaccine” but an old fashioned “whole virus vaccine”.

Frankly, I don’t believe it.

Has anyone obtained a vial of Covaxin & subjected it to analysis?

If it was possible to grow up large amounts of this alleged virus, no one in the right mind would instead accept a gene based vaccine. The reasons have been explained repeatedly, but going with the official narrative for a moment, the mRNA equivalent will result in recipients a huge & unavoidable range in clinical outcomes. Some people will take up mRNA efficiently and synthesise large amounts of spike protein for extended periods. Others will take it up less well & make smaller amounts of spike protein for shorter time periods. Absolutely inevitable. There’s nothing in the design of these agents which could mitigate this certain & avoidable diversity in outcome. This would automatically impact safety as well as effectiveness. It’s a non starter, even conceptually, as an approach to public health.

So I’m calling fake in the claim to have commercial quantities of virus grown in culture.

Best wishes

Ps: Wiki is often full of lies, but here it’s use is simply to convey basic claims about the Covaxin product.

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