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FLU VACCINES My mother died in 1993 of Guillain-Barre, scientifically shown to be linked to first the swine flu vaccines of 1975 and subsequently the other flu vaccines. Guillain-Barre is a progressive autoimmune system related disorder which like all the other autoimmune related disorders are principally initiated by vaccines.

WHEN THEY ASK YOU IF YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE VACCINATED If you are ever asked if your children are vaccinated you say "Yep, she's all set, thank you". If you can't bring yourself to lie, then you say, "For spiritual and religious reasons we refuse to have our children vaccinated. If you will check with your CDC officials, they will tell you it's not mandatory." End of story. CDC has stated that vaccines are not mandatory. It is your choice.

Although school administrators tell you that you can't get into school without these vaccinations, the fact is they have exemption forms for spiritual or religious reasons. Dr. Zoltan Rona explained today that you can insist on having these, have it notarized and signed. No more threats. If you are a health care professional such as a hygienist, dentist, doctor, technician, police officer or fire official and are told you must get hepatitis B and other vaccines or you can't work there, you can say: "O.K., I will do it under one condition. You provide me with a bonded notarized affidavit that swears that you will assume all medical legal and financial risks in the event that I or my child is injured from the vaccine". They will never do that.

DR. LANCTOT'S CASE Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, the author of The Medical Mafia fought the Canadian government and the Canadian Medical Association who threatened to take away her medical licence because she refused to vaccinate her patients. She called Dr. W. John Martin who wrote the forward to my book to testify at her case and it was dismissed. Dr. Martin is one of the world's leading vaccine contamination analysts. He worked as the FDA's Bureau of Biologics director between 1976 and 1980 in charge of testing human vaccines for contamination.

In the foreword of my book he stated: "All of today's live viral vaccines are potentially contaminated. They may be bringing diseases and this is not necessary. They could have been cleaned up but they refused to clean them up." They will never ever want this truth to come out. Dr. Lanctot now travels around the world educating people about vaccines.

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No epidemic in earth's history has ever evolved without major social and political upheaval, so you have to examine the decade prior to 1978 when the first AIDS cases emerged. Going back to 1968, Henry Kissinger was appointed National Security Advisor, which made him the most powerful man in American intelligence, overseeing the FBI, CIA and foreign policy. Almost immediately, Kissinger selected the option to develop immune system ravaging microorganisms for germ warfare as an alternative to nuclear weapons.

You must create the organisms, and then test them where the hand of America will not show. Where is that? Central Africa, Zaire and Angola, the heart of the African AIDS belt and close to ground zero for the first Ebola virus outbreak. AIDS is a lousy biological weapon, but it is a fabulous population reducing agent. Ebola is an ideal weapon. It kills nine out of ten people within three weeks. It has proteolytic enzymes that turn your internal organs and blood vessels to mush.

That is why it is far better than nuclear weapons. You still have all the infrastructure. Why destroy the property when you can own it? What is Kissinger's relationship to all this? You have to go back to 1955.
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