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EUGENICS In the same decade, an interesting union was forming between the Rockefeller family, Prescott Bush (George Bush's father), William Draper III, the Royal family in England, and a few other financiers who inspired the eugenics agenda. Eugenics simply means the study of the genetic differences between the races.

It led to the racial hygiene laws, and the study of the genetic predisposition for diseases among the races. The racial hygiene laws that you think Hitler came up with were in fact originated in 1928 by the Rockefellers, Prescott Bush and the Royal family and others, aiming for population reduction and supremacy of the master race.

NAZI MONEY BURIED IN NEW CORPORATIONS At the end of the war Hitler ordered Martin Bormann, financial director of the Third Reich, to bury the treasure not only for Germany's economic recovery, but for the rise of the Fourth Reich. So Bormann buried it into 750 corporations as determined by their partners I.G. Farben and the Rockefellers, to establish a monopoly over the world's pharmaceutical and chemical industries because this would be essential for the "New Ordnung" or "New Order".

Among the 750 corporations that received the money, one of the principle recipients was Merck and Co., the people who produced along with Dr. Hilleman the vaccine that plausibly delivered AIDS to the world. Merck has remained a major biological weapons contractor for CIA's top secret project NKNaomi, and Kissinger has remained all these years a major consultant to Merck. Two of the most important financial contributors to world population reduction have been the Merck Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation.

RECOMMENDED READING AND TAPES: The World Order: Our Secret Rulers by Eustace Mullins Vaccination and Immunization by Leon Chaitlow
Horowitz on Vaccines - 90 minute audiotape, $22.50
Emerging Viruses and Vaccinations - videotape and audiotape by Dr. Horowitz
The Nazi-American Biomedical Warfare Connection: Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush and The Rise of The Fourth Reich - Dr. Len Horowitz - 2 audiotapes
Virus Makers of the CIA by Cantwell, Horowitz, Haslan & Nicolson - 2 audiotapes

You may contact Dr. Leonard Horowitz at Tetrahedron, Box 2033, Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864, phone: 208-265-2575. website: www.tetrahedron.org
To order his audio and videotapes or for general information, call 1-888-508-4787.

- Consumer Health, Volume 21 Issue 8 & 9, August,1998.
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