1980s Cartoon Revival
7pm UK Time, 2pm EST - LIVE STREAM
Join me and a host of content creators as we discuss the cartoons we grew up with in the 1980s and how children’s programming has changed over the year. Featuring; He-Man and The Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds, Duck Tales and much more!
We are LIVE on Odysee, DLive, Radio Albion and Entropy:
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/1980s-Cartoon-Revival:a
DLive: https://dlive.tv/LauraTowler
Radio Albion: https://www.radioalbion.com/2020/12/players.html
Entropy: https://entropystream.live/app/markcollett
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