Hear me out ...

While the MSM and their Deep State handlers spend what's left of their sociopolitical capital (it's not much) trying to convince you to doom out, keep in mind this man has produced two of the most memetic images in modern American history ... during the same Witch Hunt ... for opposite reasons.

On the one side, we see Trump's memetic Game Face, in which he lets the Deep State (but more importantly, his base,) know just how screwed [they] really are when the reckoning comes on the back of his second (public) term, which will be borne on the back of our sovereign will.

On the other, we have the latest masterwork, which demonstrates the exact opposite mood, albeit one that leads to the same endpoint. While the latest court sketch is almost goofy in its virility, it's also communicating calm under fire, or, as Anons say, 'comfiness and coziness' in equal measure.

The question you need to ask yourself is the same one [they] are right now:

Does Trump seem afraid to you?
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