Burning Bright
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The real Burning Bright. Author at BurningBright.substack.com

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"What is the future—any future—made of?


From the Actual to the Potential, the Literal to the Incorporeal, the Physical to the Mass Psychological, energy runs the world because energy runs life itself. It is the animating force of the change engines that dance in this kaleidoscopic creation.

And while it’s been said that whoever controls energy in the classical sense controls the world, that also holds true in the non-physical sense.

Energy, in other words, is a story, and whoever wins the story wins the world."

Wanted to highlight some interesting Sovereign Alliance tidbits threaded throughout a recent piece by Andrew Korybko, which also has Doha Agreement written all over it:

- Russia no longer considers the Taliban a terror threat, and in fact considers them to be instrumental in containing the threat of (Deep State) terror group ISIS-K since the Kabul Withdrawal in August 2021. This is a continuation of Trump's post-Doha Agreement vision.

- The Taliban is assisting Russia in brokering talks with Pakistan (and vice versa) about inroads to energy trade between all three nations, something that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

- The core tenets of Russia's outreach policy, which includes the new Afghanistan, is built around multi-polarity, in that it seeks to broker energy and trade deals that avoid co-dependence between vassal states and major powers, such as China.

The new world is being constructed before our eyes.

The Sovereign Alliance is real.

Media is too big
If they acquit Donald Trump, they're screwed.

If they convict Donald Trump, they're more screwed.

Just Human and I discuss on DEFECTED:

This is just about the most direct allusion to the Trump Quicksand we’ve seen.

MAGA knows exactly what he means. They also know he’s right. As does the enemy.

The more they attack, the quicker they sink.

Apply this to the Info War as a whole and you see why Anons are so comfy.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
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Trump just trolled Robert De Niro while giving his remarks outside the courtroom 😂

“They (Biden) have a protest of Robert De Niro yesterday. He’s a fool. He’s a broken down fool standing out there. He got MAGA’d. He got MAGA’d yesterday. He got a big dose of it.”

If you look at Trump’s face closely, you can tell he is trying not to laugh while trolling 😂
Just a day after we get a wide-ranging deep dive on the 'Dem Panic' coming out of the Establishment in DC written BY the Establishment in the Media Industrial Complex, we get a follow-up about how the Biden team is attempting to address it.

The strategy, as we've seen in memetic fashion over the last 24 hours, seems to include recruiting washed-up Hollywoke weirdos (and probably worse,) heckling Trump and his supporters at the site of an ongoing miscarriage of the US justice system.

So, they're doubling down on their support of the very Witch Hunt that has contributed to Trump's surging poll numbers and support among an increasingly bipartisan audience.

What struck me most about this one, however, is how the piece frames the campaign's attempts to remain relevant.

That's right ... even the MSM is acknowledging the Biden isn't just behind Trump where it concerns the public mind ... he's not even RELEVANT unless it's in direct comparison to Trump himself.

If you still think Elon is one of [theirs,] you haven't been watching the right movie:

"I believe Musk and Trump are effecting a Mass Psychological Pincer, both combating the Establishment’s System of Systems from opposite angles while scooping up awakening minds the other misses, ultimately pushing them in the mutual direction of both direct-path reasoning and sovereignty over everything from their minds to the lives those minds drive, which cannot but improve the overall outlook of the nation we hope to both save and build anew.

Musk, like Trump, makes up a Vanguard unto himself in the war against the Deep State’s Narrative arm, its Financial Arm and much more, as these characters are being used to forward both exposure and disclosure, whether or not these technologies, philosophies and patriots’ plans originated with them or collectives behind them whose origins we can only guess at, and that are most assuredly aligned with those behind the Q Op."

Media is too big
Donald Trump brings up the Eisenhower Model often when it comes to deportation, but could he also use the 1950s president as a model to transition us into the energy future we were supposed to have?

What was really meant by 'The Nuclear Family?'

Brad Getz and I discuss:
Elon and Trump represent one of the most effective pincer moves in the modern sociopolitical zeitgeist.

What’s more, they grew, seemingly organically, out of opposite vectors of the Overton Window, and appear to be meeting in the middle.

How do we know this?

The Establishment hates both of them, after loving both of them before their operations went from silent-running to loud and public.

Which signals the following—that the enemy has known for quite some time what it has taken many in the truth community years to discover:

‘The Plan’ didn't start in 2016. It culminated.

In other words, this is a war some have been fighting in the shadows for a long time, but which has finally begun moving into the light, where, coincidentally enough, vampires burn.

The Werewolf Game series explores the history of the Deep State we've never been told, while exploring hints as to the Alliance that stands against them, which includes both Trumps and Kennedys.

It's a weird, winding road, and utterly fascinating.

Check it out on Badlands Media.

Overton's Goalpost is my Narrative Cypher for tracking the enemy's pattern of narrative retreat over previously-held psychological ground in the Info War.

It helps orient me in the engineered chaos so much so that for some time, I've unironically enjoyed observing the absolute madness that is the War of Stories.

While this cypher is easiest to apply to admissions of wrong-doing or retreats on policy, I think, ironically, the increasing escalation on the part of the Globalist West toward Russia is actually indicative of the same pattern.

What started as an absolute policy of non-intervention (outside of weaponized sanctions and proxy war funding, of course,) by the US in the Russo-Ukraine conflict has steadily shifted, with the MSM now carrying water for the Biden Admin as it gives direct permission for its Prussian Proxy to strike Russian territory with US arms.

Of course, they qualify that it's only "short-range" attacks, for now.

Normies most affected.

The Biden Administration (also known as Trump's Devo Term,) have announced their plans to accelerate a transition (meaning, a restart) of America's Nuclear Energy push, something Dwight Eisenhower was a major proponent of before decades of engineered Nuclear Warmongering curtailed it.

An official statement by the White House (supposedly,) reads: "Taken together, these actions represent the largest sustained push to accelerate civil nuclear deployment in the United States in nearly five decades."


I wrote about this revitalization in American's Nuclear Energy sector at length in this week's special feature, 'Amerigeddon,' and I'd like to think this community's growing awareness of the need to transition away from the Green New Deal and toward a Tesla-envisioned (and perhaps a Tesla-supported) Retro-Futurist Nuclear America has prompted patriots to accelerate the informational timeline. (h/t Chris Paul.)

They took it from us. We're taking it back.

No new takes required.

Trump expected this. Anons expected this.

Does he seem worried to you?

Do [they?]
Forwarded from Burning Bright
Media is too big
If they acquit Donald Trump, they're screwed.

If they convict Donald Trump, they're more screwed.

Just Human and I discuss on DEFECTED:

Lost in today's madness, the Biden Administration (also known as Trump's Devo Term,) have announced their plans to accelerate a transition (meaning, a restart) of America's Nuclear Energy push, something Dwight Eisenhower was a major proponent of before decades of engineered Nuclear Warmongering curtailed it.

An official statement by the White House (supposedly,) reads: "Taken together, these actions represent the largest sustained push to accelerate civil nuclear deployment in the United States in nearly five decades."

I wrote about this revitalization in America's Nuclear Energy sector at length in this week's special feature, 'Amerigeddon,' and I'd like to think this community's growing awareness of the need to transition away from the Green New Deal and toward a Tesla-envisioned (and perhaps a Tesla-supported) Retro-Futurist Nuclear Americana has prompted patriots to accelerate the informational timeline.

They took it from us. We're taking it back.

For the last few weeks, I've been saying the transition from DWAC to DJT wasn't just a financial play, but a memetic and mass psychological play as well, and for one simple reason: those three letters represent a leverage play against the System.

In the wake of the DJT shift, we've had institutional short squeezes brought back into the forefront of the public mind with a brief GME/AMC squeeze, re-awakening the gargantuan retail sentiment (and its dormant rage) of the Wall Street Apes, who WEREN'T so much MAGA as Anon-adjacent.

Until now.

Recently, we've seen Devin Nunes responding to the prodding of retail traders and others to call for investigations into targeted shorting of DJT, because it's not just the DOJ that's after Trump. It's the WHOLE SYSTEM.

Which means retail investors (ie: Main Street) could see a counter short squeeze on DJT against their Wall Street enemies as the most memetic and effective 'Fuck You' since the 2016 election ... and then some.

Let's see what happens.
Overton Shifts.

That's what the Normie Hivemind is being confronted with in the aftermath of the Trump verdict.

From Elon Musk and Nelson Peltz to Shaun Maguire, these "shifts" are deployments.

The show we're watching right now isn't for this community, and it's not necessarily going to convince a bunch of Leftists and never-Trumpers to suddenly find empathy for a man and movement they've been conditioned to conflate with the bad guys of WW2.

That's okay. That's good, actually. What matters is that ALL layers of the Collective Mind are fully engaged in the story, which means they have psychological skin in the game.

If this were a script (and it is,) we'd be at the low point of the Second Act. There's nothing cute or reductive about this. The three-act structure is a storytelling formula that has stood the test of time for centuries because it's not just Americans who like twists and comebacks.

It's humans.

One side knows who the protagonist is. The other is going to find out.
For the weekend crowd:

My latest long-form represents an amalgamation of thought patterns I first explored in ‘Scare Event’ and ‘The Bridge,’ and which culminated in ‘The Switch,’ a paradoxical and yet, unified series that has brought me to the current writing and that I believe both projects the enemy’s plans for the future of humanity and our own that stands against it.

The Great Reset has been inverted into the Good Reset ... and the Biden Administration (which is really Trump's Proxy Admin,) essentially confirmed it with their Nuclear signals this week.

Bad News is Good News in the Mind War.

It's not hopium. It's logic. Turns out hope and logic just have more in common than we've been led to believe.


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