It's not hopium. It's not goalpost shifting.

Some of us have been saying it for quite a while ...

"In short, the Trial of Donald Trump IS his campaign.

We know it. He knows it. And you can bet your rapidly-declining bottom dollar that the subversive enemy knows it as well.

Which begs the question, why are they going through with all this song and dance anyway? Why put forward the very narratives—the very storylines that will ultimately undo them?

Because, when trapped by a superior player, all the Finite Player can do is play out the moves left to him on the Game Board, and do so with the hope that the Infinite Player will make a catastrophic mistake that could trigger a Crisis Cascade that removes his advantage, and ultimately undoes him.

Good luck to them, on that count."
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions