When you reframe all of these headlines that are catastrophic for Biden as being table-setters for the return of Donald Trump, you begin to recognize them for what they are: SPOILERS.

Biden is becoming known as a chaos agent either wittingly or unwittingly inflating away the energy of the US economy, emboldening US enemies while driving former allies away and endangering the very sovereignty of the nation by refusing to acknowledge its own borders.

Trump is known for one thing above all else: deal-making.

Trump planted the narrative seeds during his first term, Biden is watering them during his second. All we're waiting on is the harvest.

We've been told we're going to like how this movie ends, but that doesn't stop many from dooming out and black-pilling the whole way through the second act, which is always the one fraught with the most peril, danger and despair.

You can't have the high without experiencing the low.

"When you know the way broadly, you can see it in all things."
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