Forwarded from The Meitryx πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (Lisa Mei Crowley)
The red flag laws are the main goal. Think about how our corrupt DOJ labels parents protesting CRT and porn in their kids' schools as "domestic terrorists". Same goes for J6 attendees. They will use this to try to confiscate guns from their political enemies: all MAGA patriots. Molon labe, bitchez.

FTA: The framework of the agreement encourages states to enact red-flag laws, to expand mental health services in all 50 states, as well as allow searches of juvenile records during background checks for those under 21 and increase funds for school security and mental health programs.

But absent from the agreement are a number of proposals sought by Biden and gun control advocates β€” including an assault weapons ban and an increase in the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles to 21 from 18.
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